--> Abstract: Deeper Knox Exploration in Eastern Carroll County, Ohio as an integrated Geological, Geophysical, and Engineering Endeavor, by W. B. Boston, D. W. Porter, and L. W. Morrison; #90930 (1998).

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Abstract: Deeper Knox Exploration in Eastern Carroll County, Ohio as an integrated Geological, Geophysical, and Engineering Endeavor

Newstar Energy USA, Inc., Thornville, OH

Newstar Energy's deeper (8500 ft. plus) Knox exploration program in Eastern Carroll County, Ohio has illustrated the need for complex interactions between company geological, geophysical, and engineering technical staff and consultants.

Geologic and geophysical evaluation of areas of potential interest must take into account increasing depth/costs and rule out a standard Ohio Knox remnant play. Structurally complex, Portage County like targets with offset developmental well potential are a necessity. This regulates geophysical activity to a more regional line concept as well as limiting geophysical targets to those of greater aerial extent.

Well site engineering must take into account the geologic necessity of detailed formation evaluation of both the primary and secondary targets as well as the depth related increased equipment requirements.

With this in mind, Newstar Energy's Carroll County activity has focused on a regional Beekmantown isochronal thick which has also been defined geologically. Well site geology, log analysis and post completion engineering indicate the presence of hydrocarbons in a thin bedded, fractured, and in some cases over dolomatized reservoir. Associated water production is the critical complicating factor. Testing of recently identified structural features may result in a reduction of production water.

AAPG Search and Discovery Article #90930©1998 AAPG Eastern Section, Columbus, Ohio