--> ABSTRACT: Technical Data Capture in Geological and Geophysical Data Management, by R. G. Font and E. M. Travers; #90947 (1997).

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ABSTRACT: Technical Data Capture in Geological and Geophysical Data Management


As geoscience professionals in the oil and gas industry, we are users of vast quantities of technical information. Many of us dream of the day when we can see all of our data on the computer screen and retrieve it at a moment's notice in a format that will be of optimum benefit to us in our daily tasks. Thus, when we think of "data management" we tend to contemplate the end product: the world map on the computer screen, the point-and-shoot technique, and all of the files and documents we need "magically' appearing along with all ofthe information we seek. What may not be apparent to us as end-users is the enormous effort it takes to capture this material.

Data capture involves the proper identification and classification of the documents, the indexing, coding and catdoging procedures, data entry into a searchable data base, etc. A well-planned data management strategy is vital to deriving the maximum benefit from the data and preserving its value. Experience has shown us that optimum data capture depends on four basic ingredients. Thus, the formula for success consists of the following components: (a) the "right personnel" to manage the data, (b) the "proper format" (the appropriate database) for data capture, (c) the "internal standards" to ensure uniformity, (d) the "quality control program" to ensure accuracy. This paper focuses on specific procedures necessary to achieve these goals and outlines recommendations designed to accomplish the desired aim of technical efficiency and cost effectiveness.

AAPG Search and Discovery Article #90947©1997 AAPG Southwest Section Meeting, San Angelo, Texas