--> Abstract: A Methodology for 3-D Reservoir Modeling, by J. Wonham, O. Dubrule, S. Bombarde, and C. Basire; #90942 (1997).
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Abstract: A Methodology for 3-D Reservoir Modeling


Geological modeling of reservoirs is a challenging task in which a variety of data (seismic interpretations, well information, sections and maps) are integrated to provide the fullest possible reservoir description. Our approach is multi-phase and has been developed through modeling a range of reservoir types which will serve as examples during this presentation.

Models are typically constructed by tying well and interpreted seismic data using a 3-D computer modeling tool. Initially, a deterministic model of the reservoir is built using a structural framework and a seismic stratigraphic architecture. If possible, a high-resolution sequence stratigraphic architecture is developed from study of well information. Previous HitInterpretiveTop input at this stage might include prediction of surface topography. Once the high-resolution model is constructed, the stratigraphic surfaces can be cut by the fault surfaces.

Next, a stratigraphic grid is generated from the structural model which conforms to both the stratigraphic surfaces and the intermediate stratal surfaces. Stratal surfaces can be modeled as proportional, downlapping, onlapping or truncated. The number of grid blocks within any particular stratigraphic interval can be regulated in order to represent the level of heterogeneity. The stratigraphic grid is then populated using either interpolated facies distributions, a Boolean or a hybrid approach. Use of stochastic techniques is strongly regulated by a desire to retain a geologically realistic model, and predictive facies maps and sections can be utilized to better constrain simulations.

AAPG Search and Discovery Article #90942©1997 AAPG International Conference and Exhibition, Vienna, Austria