--> Abstract: Wellbore Geometry - Interpreting Ovalisation, by M. S. Beghoul; #90956 (1995).
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Abstract: Wellbore Geometry - Interpreting Ovalisation

M. S. Beghoul

Good Previous HitboreholeNext Hit images are essential for identification and interpretation of well ovalisation. Results presented in this paper are based on approximately 40,000 m of HDT (High Resolution Dipmeter Tool) and BGT (Previous HitBoreholeNext Hit Geometry Tool) measurements over different lithologies throughout the Paleozoic of the Algerian Timimoun basin. Distinguishing tectonic ovalisation from that induced by well conditions is critical if the measurements are to be used to develop a model of regional stress, faulting and folding patterns.

The actual regional stress is oriented N 135.

These methods will be assessed by the new UBI-Ultra Previous HitBoreholeTop imager.

AAPG Search and Discovery Article #90956©1995 AAPG International Convention and Exposition Meeting, Nice, France