--> ABSTRACT: Architectural Models of Turbidite Channel, Sheet Sand, and Associated Deposits from Outcrops: Aid to Subsurface Interpretation, by Roger Shew, Henry Pettingill, Fred Keller, Gary Steffens, Gottfried Tiller, Hua Zhu; #91020 (1995).
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Architectural Models of Turbidite Channel, Sheet Sand, and Associated Deposits from Outcrops: Aid to Subsurface Interpretation

Roger Shew, Previous HitHenryTop Pettingill, Fred Keller, Gary Steffens, Gottfried Tiller, Hua Zhu

Turbidite outcrop studies provide both conceptual and specific data that are useful for the prediction of reservoir properties and performance early in prospect development. The primary goal is to characterize the outcrops through the development of detailed architectures that may then be used as analogs for subsurface reservoirs. Construction of reservoir models requires that vertical stacking patterns and lateral changes in flow units be detailed as well as the presence of baffles and barriers. After the assignment of subsurface geological and petrophysical properties to the individual outcrop flow units, simulations are performed to help determine reservoir performance. Pseudologs and seismic models are also constructed for comparison to subsurface reservoirs.

Outcrops from the Eocene Hecho Group (Ainsa System) in Spain and the Ordovician Tourelle Formation, Gaspe Peninsula, Canada provide excellent vertical and lateral exposures of channel and sheet sand architectures as well as associated facies. The Spain outcrops are dominantly composed of laterally accreting, nested, and vertically aggrading individual and composite channels. The Tourelle has a vertical sequence composed of layered and amalgamated sheet sands at the base that grades into a thin-bed unit. The thin beds are erosively truncated by a single, sand-rich channel which exhibits lateral migration at the base followed by vertical aggradation. Architectural models and simulations of these different depositional systems are used to compare with subsurface reservoirs from the Gulf f Mexico.

AAPG Search and Discovery Article #91020©1995 AAPG Annual Convention, Houston, Texas, May 5-8, 1995