--> Abstract: Evaluating the Antrim Shale Formation Using a Geographic Information System, by R. B. Carlton; #90984 (1994).
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Abstract: Evaluating the Antrim Shale Formation Using a Geographic Information System

R. Bradley Carlton

The Antrim Shale formation is currently the most active exploration play in the Michigan basin. With more than 3500 producing wells, the Antrim Shale has significantly increased Michigan's natural gas reserves. The Antrim Shale now accounts for over 50% of Michigan's daily natural gas production.

C-Previous HitMapNext Hit is a vector-based Geographic Information System developed at Michigan State University. It is used throughout Michigan, primarily by state and local government agencies, to assist in programs that range from resource management to civic planning. Although not originally designed for oil and gas exploration, many of the features found in C-Previous HitMapNext Hit are ideally suited to this task. Exploration functions performed on C-Previous HitMapNext Hit include the creation of Previous HitbaseNext Hit maps, data posting, and thematic mapping. Interfaces written into C-Previous HitMAPNext Hit also allow for computer gridding, contouring, and 3-D modeling using commercial software designed for this purpose. C-Previous HitMAPNext Hit can also be used in conjunction with Michigan's Resource Inventory System, the digital land-use database developed by the Michigan Department of Na ural Resources.

The unconventional nature of the Antrim Shale reservoir, along with the large volume of wells drilled and data collected have combined to make the Antrim Shale a very difficult play to evaluate. C-Previous HitMapNext Hit, with its analytical tools, low cost, and compatibility with an existing digital land-use database for Michigan is an ideal exploration tool for companies and individuals attempting to enhance their understanding of this challenging play.

AAPG Search and Discovery Article #90984©1994 AAPG Annual Convention, East Lansing, Michigan, September 18-20, 1994