--> Abstract: Miocene Sequence Biostratigraphy of the Northern Gulf of Mexico, by M. M. Jiang; #90989 (1993).
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JIANG, MARK M., ARCO Oil and Gas Company, Houston, TX

ABSTRACT: Miocene Sequence Biostratigraphy of the Northern Gulf of Mexico

The Miocene floral pulse model of Jiang and Watkins is revised. The new revision suggests that the Gulf of Mexico Miocene floral pulses, corresponding to the traditional foraminiferal tops, are transgression surfaces of the fourth-order sequences. These pulses show diverse Previous HitmagnitudesNext Hit and when they are plotted on a depth (or time) tract, their relative Previous HitmagnitudesTop show an orderly wavy pattern comparable to the Haq et al.'s third-order cycles in the Miocene. After iterative comparison, the condensed intervals of these Miocene third-order sequences have been determined as, in descending order, Cyclammina 3, the second Cibicides carstensi, the second Textularia W, Cristellaria I, Robulus 43, Discorbis B, the third Marginulina A, and Textularia panamensis (= fauna unit II). The least promin nt pulses suggesting the third-order cycle highstands (or shelf-margin wedges) are suggested as, in descending order, Textularia X, Bolivina thalmanni, Globorotalia fohsi robusta, Bigenerina humblei, Cibicides opima, Saracenaria schencki, Marginulina A (= second Robulus chambersi), and Siphonina davisi.

Redeposited Cretaceous nanno species are an important component in the Gulf of Mexico middle and lower Miocene. Significant concentrations of these species are found primarily in the third-order cycle highstands, one exception being the Marginulina A third-order cycle highstand that in the High Island and West Cameron areas contained only rare redeposited Cretaceous nannos.

AAPG Search and Discovery Article #90989©1993 GCAGS and Gulf Coast SEPM 43rd Annual Meeting, Shreveport, Louisiana, October 20-22, 1993.