--> Abstract: Opportunities for Independents, by M. R. Thomasson and W. R. Moore; #90987 (1993).
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THOMASSON, M. RAY, and W. RICHARD MOORE, Thomasson Partner Associates, Inc., Denver, CO

ABSTRACT: Opportunities for Independents

Domestic exploration has changed radically. However, there is an active market for certain types of play opportunities. Thomasson Partner Associates has analyzed the market and found that there is a broad spectrum of project types that can be sold to industry partners. These range from single prospect ideas to major play opportunities which include seismic, gravity, magnetic, and geochemistry integrated with subsurface data, and a large acreage block assembled.

Neither of these end members are the most salable in today's market. Single prospect ideas do not have sufficient scope for many companies and the major plays completed and ready to drill are too expensive for a large number of companies.

The most salable plays include the following elements: (1) Potential size of the play should be greater than 100 MMBO. (2) An Previous HitanalogNext Hit field of over 10 MMBO should exist in the area. (3) The Previous HitanalogTop field must be identifiable by seismic and several other leads or prospects must exist in the area. (4) Multiple objective horizons should be present and at shallow depths. (5) Acreage must be available and inexpensive. (6) Investing company should be able to use its expertise along with the generating company.

By combining these elements, Thomasson Partner Associates has been successful in generating and selling to industry partners ten major plays over a twenty month period. These plays occur in both mature and frontier areas. Two of the plays are discussed in detail in order to demonstrate the elements required for success in today's market.

AAPG Search and Discovery Article #90987©1993 AAPG Annual Convention, New Orleans, Louisiana, April 25-28, 1993.