--> ABSTRACT: Use of Sequence Stratigraphy to Define Stratigraphic Plays in Upper Pennsylvanian and Lower Permian Lowstand Systems Tracts, North-Central Texas, by L. F. Brown, Jr.; #91026 (2010)
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Use of Sequence Stratigraphy to Define Stratigraphic Plays in Upper Pennsylvanian and Lower Permian Lowstand Systems Tracts, North-Central Texas

L. F. Brown, Jr.

Sequence stratigraphic interpretation of the Virgilian and Wolfcampian Series, Eastern shelf and adjacent Midland basin, provides new insight into stratigraphic-trap potential in this intensively drilled cratonic basin. Research and application of depositional sequence and systems tract concepts, derived from seismic-stratigraphic analyses of worldwide passive-margin basins, provide new Previous HitinterpretiveTop models to support significant reexploration of this and similar basins. Recognition, correlation, and mapping of 16 third-order, mostly type 1 cyclic sequences permit delineation of possible new stratigraphic-trap plays within lowstand depositional systems tracts. Application of these concepts provides a new perspective of basins in which most traditional plays have been explo ted.

Analysis of 22,000 mi2, based on 2,000 mi of cross sections, 5,000 wells, and extensive outcrop data, clearly delineates sequences composed of (1) lowstand incised valley, deltaic, leveed slope, and basin-floor fan tracts, (2) retrogradational (transgressive) shelf carbonate tracts, and (3) highstand fan-deltaic, fluvial-deltaic, and interdeltaic tracts. Paleogeographic maps of the terrigenous systems tracts document a cyclic depositional history of the region controlled by combined tectonism and eustasy. The sequence model infers lowstand plays composed of coastal-onlap pinch-out of deltaic systems basinward of shelf edges, incised valley and submarine canyon-fill traps, and basin-floor fans related to canyon erosion. Results of several decades of research on terrigenous d positional systems in this region, when combined with rapidly evolving ideas derived from seismic sequence analysis, may provide a renewed thrust for stratigraphic prospecting in north-central Texas.

AAPG Search and Discovery Article #91026©1989 AAPG Southwest Section, March 19-21, 1989, San Angelo, Texas.