--> ABSTRACT: Expert Systems Used in Interpreting Petrologic and Sedimentary Structure, by Douglas A. Lawson; #91022 (1989)
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Expert Systems Used in Previous HitInterpretingTop Petrologic and Sedimentary Structure

Douglas A. Lawson

Two expert systems, PETTJ and JRIAL, are used to rapidly classify mineralogic analysis of open-hole logs and bedform analysis of raw dipmeter data. Both are forward-chaining, rule-based systems with simple semantic nets. Pictorial justification is provided through ternary and slab plots.

A third expert system, FISHER, is given vertical sequences resulting from the work of PETTJ and JRIAL for environmental classification. A lithologic parser provides these stratigraphically defined sequences. The parser consists of augmented transition networks which are also used to establish an inheritance hierarchy. FISHER also helps the parser move through the network when the arcs encountered are syntactic categories such as tracts, systems, or environments. Common sense, in the form of classic transition sequences, can be used to fill in gaps which often occur at high to low-energy transitions. Matrices representing these sequences can also be used as heuristic functions to aid FISHER and the parser in selecting sequences most likely to have sedimentary importance.

AAPG Search and Discovery Article #91022©1989 AAPG Annual Convention, April 23-26, 1989, San Antonio, Texas.