--> ABSTRACT: Experimental Flow-Through Study of Artificial Diagenesis in Sandstones, by Rona J. Donahoe and Linda E. Leard; #91043 (2011)
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Experimental Previous HitFlowNext Hit-Through Study of Artificial Diagenesis in Sandstones

Rona J. Donahoe, Linda E. Leard

During petroleum reservoir development and production, various fluids are injected into well bores. Because these fluids differ compositionally from the reservoir rock pore fluids, induced Previous HitfluidNext Hit/rock interactions can range from none to extreme in their effect on reservoir rock properties. These induced reactions, considered artificial diagenesis, can be studied using a new low-temperature Previous HitflowNext Hit-through hydrothermal apparatus.

The Previous HitflowNext Hit-through apparatus is presented as an alternative to conventional high-temperature, high-pressure permeameters for studying water/rock interactions. This equipment is designed to study water/rock interactions under variable Previous HitfluidNext Hit-Previous HitflowNext Hit rate (0.0005-10 ml/min), temperature (50°-300°C), and pressure (50-500 bar) conditions; to allow in-situ measurements of permeability; and to accommodate packed column or 1-in. diameter core samples.

An experimental and computational study was conducted at 250°C to investigate the effects of Previous HitfluidNext Hit Previous HitflowNext Hit rate, Previous HitfluidNext Hit composition, and sandstone mineralogy on disaggregated sandstone sample alteration mineralogy and permeability. Three series of Previous HitflowNext Hit-through experiments were conducted with the following variables: (1) sandstone composition (quartzarenite, 2 arkose); (2) Previous HitfluidNext Hit composition (distilled, deionized water and aqueous solutions of HF/HCl and NaOH); and (3) Previous HitfluidNext Hit-Previous HitflowTop rate (0.001-1 ml/min). Preliminary results from these experiments are presented. The variables listed above are discussed in terms of their effect on sandstone alteration mineralogy and permeability. In addition, computer chemical-equilibrium programs used to model these man-made diagenetic systems are evaluat d.

AAPG Search and Discovery Article #91043©1986 AAPG Annual Convention, Atlanta, Georgia, June 15-18, 1986.