--> Abstract: Critical Energy Problems of Pacific Basin, by Harrison Brown; #90962 (1978).
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Abstract: Critical Energy Problems of Pacific Basin

Harrison Brown

The energy interdependencies among the nations of Asia and the Pacific area are already large and growing rapidly. Japan and the United States as well as most developing countries are heavily dependent on imported oil and that dependence is increasing. This dependence results in several areas of vulnerability.

The major problem facing the oil-importing countries during the next 20 years will be that of negotiating a smooth transition from crude oil to Previous HitalternateNext Hit energy supplies while achieving, in the process, some measure of energy self-sufficiency. Most Previous HitapproachesTop to the accomplishment of this goal will create a new set of serious problems that can only be resolved through international cooperative efforts.

AAPG Search and Discovery Article #90962©1978 AAPG 2nd Circum-Pacific Energy and Minerals Resource Conference, Honolulu, Hawaii