--> Abstract: Use of Computer-Generated Base Maps in Exploration Process, by G. M. Thomas; #90968 (1977).
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Abstract: Use of Computer-Generated Base Previous HitMapsNext Hit in Exploration Process

G. M. Thomas

Little attention has been devoted to the role of the base map, here defined as an uncontoured map, in the exploration process. Many explorationists request only computer-generated base Previous HitmapsNext Hit of data points annotated with structure, isopach, or lithofacies values so that they can introduce certain biases when contouring. The overplotting of geographic and political information such as survey data, coastlines, and offshore lease blocks, do much to enhance the value of base as well as contour Previous HitmapsNext Hit.

A base map with total depths annotated indicates wells that should be considered for stratigraphic control. Significant tests are highlighted if wells are posted with symbols which indicate the well status or hydrocarbon-show information. Data elements of interest, such as core recoveries and test results, can be listed below well symbols to provide an inventory of data stored in computer files.

More elaborate symbols and plotting routines can be devised to display a wide variety of data. Base Previous HitmapsNext Hit of directional-well courses in plan view greatly enhance geologic data posted at its appropriate Previous HitsubsurfaceNext Hit location. A special symbol can depict average dip and azimuth information based on interpreted dipmeter information. Circular histograms provide the capability of simultaneous reporting of several different variables such as rock or facies types.

Base Previous HitmapsNext Hit serve an important role in the exploration effort. Their use in drafting and editing is well known; usage to highlight areas of interest, to inventory massive data banks, and to categorize high-volume data is less common.

AAPG Search and Discovery Article #90968©1977 AAPG-SEPM Annual Convention and Exhibition, Washington, DC