--> Abstract: Southwest Ragged Point Field, Musselshell County, Montana--Food for Thought, by Robert T. Larson, Jr.; #90971 (1976).
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Abstract: Southwest Ragged Point Field, Musselshell County, Montana--Food for Thought

Previous HitRobertNext Hit T. Larson, Jr.

Southwest Ragged Point field is in T11N, Rs 29, 30 Previous HitETop, Musselshell County, Montana, in the central Tyler producing trend. The field pay is in the Pennsylvanian upper Tyler A sand zone.

There are 13 producing wells in the field and the cumulative production through December 1975 is in excess of 472,000 bbl of oil. The field was discovered in January 1973 by Petro-Lewis on a farmout from Buttes Oil and Gas. The clues that led to this discovery, however, were present as early as 1963.

The field is not separated from Ragged Point field by any dry holes, but is in a separate reservoir, pressure-disconnected from Ragged Point. Incisement of the upper Tyler valley system into the underlying Bear Gulch limestone helps control the productive area, but other factors must be included. Faulting and paleostructure probably played a large part in controlling the stream systems which deposited the Tyler A sand.

Additional drilling is anticipated because absolute boundaries to the field have not been established. Ultimate production on primary may exceed 600,000 bbl. Secondary recovery, utilizing water injection primarily for pressure maintenance, easily could double the recoverable reserves presently known.

AAPG Search and Discovery Article #90971©1976 AAPG-SEPM Rocky Mountain Sections 25th Annual Meeting, Billings, Montana