Lithofacies Attributes and Depositional System of the Late Carboniferous-Early Permian Haushi Group, Oman
Interior Basin, Sultanate of Oman,
Iftikhar Ahmed Abbasi and Faisal Al-Abri
Use of Mechanistic Model to Assess the Sweep Efficiency Along Horizontal Wells,
Ruaa Abdalla and Jorge Gomes
Tectonic Evolution of the Prolific Levant Basin and Emerging Pre-Pliocene Giant Gas and Condensate Plays, Offshore Egypt,
Ahmed Abdel Aal, Eleanor Rowley, and Hossam Salah
Using Second-Order Adjoint State Methods in GPUS to Quantify Resolution on Full Waveform Inversions,
Sergio Abreo, Ana Ramirez, and Oscar Mauricio Reyes Torres
Understanding of Reservoirs and Cap Rock Architecture: A Key Enabler of Late Water Breakthrough for Production Success in Vertical Well in Tight Fractured Unconventional Reservoirs, North Kuwait Gas Fields,
Mihira Acharya, Girija Joshi, Abdul Al Mershed, Asmaa Al-Hammadi, Bashar Al-Qadeeri, Qasem Dashti, and Sandeep Chakravorty
AVA Seismic Inversion as a Tool for Prospect Evaluation,
Lukumon Adeoti, Oluwakemi Adesanya, Kayode Oyedele, Ayorinde Adekanle, and Peter Afinotan
Comparison of Resolution Capacity of Different Electrode Arrays in Delineating Fractured Zones Using Electrical Resistivity Modeling,
Lukumon Adeoti, Seun Afolabi, Kehinde Ishola, and Bolaji Adegbola
Analysis of Geotechnical Parameters from Geophysical Information,
O. O. Adewoyin, E. O. Joshua, M. L. Akinyemi, M. Omeje, E. S. Joel, and O. T. Kayode
Application of Geophysical and Geotechnical Methods to Determine the Geotechnical Characteristics
of a Reclaimed Land,
Olusegun O. Adewoyin, Emmanuel O. Joshua, and Marvel L. Akinyemi
Foundation Settlement Determination: A Simplified Approach,
O. O. Adewoyin, M. Omeje, E. S. Joel, and O. T. Kayode
Handling Complex Stratigraphic Relationships Using Volume Based Modeling and Stair-Step Grids,
Rosa Ma Aguilar, Carlos Nuñez, Vanessa Villarroel, and Marcos Victoria
Controls on the Stratigraphic Architecture of Fluvial Sandstone Reservoirs, Gulf of Thailand,
Mirza Ahmad and Joseph Lambiase
Detection of Scouring Area in Chamran Square (Center of Tehran) by GPR
Usef Aladin, Bahram Yousefi, and Mohammad Reza Memarian
San Luis and Churuguara Carbonates (Onshore Venezuela): Analogs of the Offshore Perla Field?,
Eduard Albert-Villanueva, Mateu Esteban, Lenin González, Ramon Salas, Telm Bover-Arnal, Carles Ferrèndez-Cañadell, and José Fernández Carmona
Enhancing the Signal-To-Noise Ratio of Sonic Waveforms by Interferometric Stacking,
Ali Aldawood, Ibrahim Hoteit, Abdulrahman Alshuhail, and Abdullatif Al-Shuhail
Sedimentary Facies, Sequence Stratigraphy of Mixed Carbonate-Siliciclastic Sediments, Early Middle Miocene Dam Formation, Eastern Saudi Arabia,
Syed Haroon Ali, Osman Abdullatif, and Lameed Olabode Babalola
Automatic Faults Tracking from Seismic Data Using the Wavelet Transform Modulus Maxima Lines (WTMM)
Ouadfeul Sid Ali
Amplitude Variation with Offset and Sandstone Reservoir Characterization, Shallow Offshore Niger Delta,
Olawale Allo and Elijah Ayolabi
New Insights on the Cenozoic Carbonates of Northwest Australia from a High-Definition Seismic Attribute Workflow,
Mohammad Almaghlouth, Rebecca Bell, and Peter Szafian
Basin Evolution of a Pre-Vegetated Syn-Rift Depositional System, Australia,
Khalid Almalki and Syed Mahmud
The Impact of 3D Dynamic Structural Framework and Subsurface Mapping Technology on Complex Reservoirs in Saudi Arabia,
Abdul Mohsen Almaskeen, Syed Ali, and Roger Sung
Integrating Geological Attributes with a Multiple Linear Regression of Geophysical Well Logs to Estimate the Permeability of Carbonate Reservoirs in Campos Basin – Southeastern Brazil,
Paula Almeida and Abel Carrasquilla
Unconventional Reservoirs, Integrated Petrophysical Approach for Sweet Spot Identification and Fracking Stage Selection,
Saad Alshehri, Abdelghayoum Ahmed, and Mohammed Boudjatit
Oxygen Stable Isotopes Help Explain Distinctive Pore Architecture in a Tight Carbonate Reservoir Rock,
Mohammad Alsuwaidi, J. Frederick Sarg, John Humphrey, Thomas Steuber, and Sadoon Morad
Gravity Constraints on the Geometry of the Big Bend of the San Andreas Fault in the Southern Carrizo Plains and Pine Mountain Region,
Ali Can Altintas and David Farris
Mediterranean Heat-Flow Prediction Using Gravity Inversion,
Andrew Alvey, Alan Roberts, and Nick Kusznir
Addressing the Impact of Structural Complexity in Formation Evaluation of Tight Carbonate Reservoirs: A New Workflow from Kurdistan, Northern Iraq,
Wassem M. Alward, Chandramani Shrivastava, Said Murad Basso, Muhammad Ramzan, Fahd Al-Warda, Arindam Pal, Jorge Baldi, and Jose Maria Gonzalez Muñoz
Natural Fractures Paragenetic Stages of Najmah and Sargelu Formations,
Aimen Amer, Hanan Salem, Meshal Al-Wadi, and Abdulaziz Ali
Fast and Robust Measurement of the Key Organic-Rich Shale Petrophysical Characteristics,
Kashy Aminian
Paleogeographic Reconstruction of the Cyrenaican Miocene Carbonate-Evaporite Sequences of the Ar-Rajmah Group, Al-Jabal Al-Khdar Uplift and Soluq Trough, Northeast Libya,
Khaled Amrouni, Michael Pope, Ahmed El-Hawat, Khalid Mustafa, Ahmed Al-Alwani, Mohamed El-Jahmi, Aimen Amer, Adel Obeidi, Hassan El-Bargathi, Salah El-Ekhfifi, and Essa Elbileikia
Estimation of Curie Isotherm and Heat Flow of Eastern Chad basin, Nigeria from Spectral Analysis of Aeromagnetic Data,
Emmanuel Anakwuba, Harold Okeke, Ifeanyi Chinwuko, and Clement Onyekwelu
3D Seismic Attribute Expressions of Deep Offshore Niger Delta,
Uzonna Anyiam, Priyank Jaiswal, Jack Pashin, Mohamed Abdelsalam, Alexander Opara, and Ebuka Uzuegbu
Adapting and Tuning Edge Detection Seismic Attribute Calculations Based on Post-Stack Seismic Characteristics,
Ahmed Adnan Aqrawi and David Barka
Using Image Analysis to Estimate Unconventional Rock Properties,
Alon Arad
Rock Type Analysis and Reservoir Characterization of 1000 Wells Using Computational Classification Techniques,
Mariano Arcuri, Carlos Zavala, Mariano Di Meglio, Agustin Zorzano, Javier Iparraguirre, Emilia Buciak, Juan Mariano Herrera, and Leandro Venara
Reservoir Architecture of a Low Net-To-Gross Fluvial Succession Based on Integration of Channel-Body Geometry and Paleosol Characterization,
Oscar J. Arevalo, Nigel P. Mountney, and Luca Colombera
A Critical Look at the Criticality of Sediment-Propelled Turbidity Currents,
Bill Arnott and Mike Tilston
Application of Seismic Attributes in Delineation of Channel Features in Rence Field of
Niger Delta, Nigeria,
Chinwuko Augustine, Anakwuba Emmanuel, Okeke Harold, and Onyekwelu Clement
Estimating Potential Underground Cavities Volumes – A Case Study in Ipoh, Malaysia,
Haryati Awang
Two Dimension Resistivity Imaging/Tomography for Hydrogeological Study in Bazian Basin – West Sulaimani City, Kurdistan Region-Iraq,
Ezzadin Baban and Bakhtiar Aziz
Enhancing Seismic Data Resolution by Integrating Seismic Spectral Blueing and Reconvolution of Thin Bed Reflectivity Techniques: A New Approach to Resolve Thin Beds Pay Zones,
Amir Babasafari, Hesam Kazemeini, and Farzaneh Bayati
New Eyes on Ultra-Deep Waters Offshore Egypt,
Simon Baer
Stratigraphic Interpretation of North Atlantic Conjugate Margins,
Ana Bento, Sean Pyman, Richard Price, Jim Fenton, and Richard Windmill
Simon Papp, a Prominent Hungarian Petroleum Geologist: How to Run Exploration Projects from a Prison Cell,
Istvan Berczi and Gabor Tari
Bridging the Gap: Complimenting Subsurface Interpretations with Virtual Outcrop Models,
Andrew Bladon, Jenny Ellis, and Roddy Muir
Strontium-Isotope Stratigraphy and Ammonoid Biostratigraphy of the Late Barremian-Early Albian Succession from the Maestrat Basin (E. Iberia),
Telm Bover-Arnal, Josep Anton Moreno-Bedmar, Gianluca Frijia, Enric Pascual-Cebrian, and Ramon Salas
The Miocene Rhodalgal Amposta Limestone in the Tarraco Reservoir (Offshore Eastern Spain),
Telm Bover-Arnal, Mateu Esteban, Julio Aguirre, Carles Ferrèndez-Cañadell, Josep Giner, and Ramon Salas
Anatomy of a Latest Chattian Carbonate Ramp with Larger Foraminifera and Coralline Algae (Prebetic Domain; SE Spain),
Telm Bover-Arnal, Carles Ferrèndez-Cañadell, Julio Aguirre, Eduard Albert-Villanueva, Mateu Esteban, José Fernández Carmona, and Ramon Salas
On Generating a Geological Model for Hydrogen Gas in the Southern Taoudenni Megabasin
(Bourakebougou area, Mali),
Denis Briere, Tomasz Jerzykiewicz, and Wojciech Śliwińsk
Stratigraphic Architecture and Evolution of a Barrier Seagrass Bank in the Mid-Late Holocene
Shark Bay, Australia,
Giada Bufarale and Lindsay B. Collins
Sequence Stratigraphic Understanding of Total Organic Carbon Contents and Preservation Potential in the Offshore Fine-Grained Successions of the Ordovician Sino-Korean Carbonate Platform, Mid-Eastern Korea,
Ukhwan Byun and Yi Kyun Kwon
Cable Noise Analysis and Suppression in DAS-VSP Data,
Zhidong Cai, Yanhua Wang, Congwei Liu, Qinghong Zhang, and Xiaoyin Xu
Petroleum Systems and Exploration Play Fairways in the Western Greece and Southern Crete Offshore,
Veronique Carayon, Lucien Montadert, Jonathan Allard, Oystein Lie, Sofia Stamataki, and Spyridon Bellas
Tectono-Sedimentary Evolution of the Porto Basin (NW Offshore Portugal): Implications for Hydrocarbon Exploration,
João Casacão, Nuno Pimentel, D. Luiz, Rui Pena Dos Reis, and Pedro Barreto
Assessing GPR and Multi-Electrode Earth Resistivity Methods for High-Resolution Modeling of Stromatolites as Petroleum Reservoir Analogues: The case of Chapada Diamantina (Brazil),
Albert Casas
Edge-based Parallel Framework for the Simulation of 3D CSEM Surveys,
Octavio Castillo, Josep de la Puente, Vladimir Puzyrev, and Jose Marıa Cela
A Study of PS Wave AVO,
Young-Fo Chang and Jai-Wei Liu
Post-Variscan Thermal Histories in Morocco: Implications for Mesozoic Source-to-Sink Systems,
Remi Charton and Giovanni Bertotti
Geomechanical Modeling to Address Subsidence/Uplift at Shallow Depths,
Arpit Chaudhary, Shashwat Sharma, and Rajesh Nair
Pore Pressure Estimation and Calibration in Gas Shale Reservoir,
Xin Chen
Characteristics of Tidal-Littoral Sedimentary System and Distribution of Favorable Reservoir of Silurian in Northern Tarim Basin,
Ge Chen
Tectonic-Sedimentary Evolution and its Significances for Petroleum Exploration in the West Slope of Kaikang Trough, Muglad Basin,
Bintao Chen
3D Petroleum Systems Modeling and Fluid Flow Analysis in the Great South Basin (GSB), New Zealand,
Piyaphong Chenrai and Mads Huuse
Subflow – An Open-Source, Object-Oriented Application for Modeling Geologic Storage of CO2,
Johnny Corbino, Jose Castillo, and Christopher Paolini
Factors Controlling the Geomorphological Evolution and Depositional Processes of a Modern Lacustrine Turbidite Channel-Levee Complex: The Modern Rhone Delta in Lake Geneva,
Juan Pablo Corella, Katrina Kremer, Jean Gerard, Manuel González-Quijano, and Stéphanie Giradclos
The Paleo-Bathymetry of Base Aptian Salt Deposition and the Composition of Underlying Basement on the Northern Angolan Rifted Margin,
Leanne Cowie, Nick Kusznir, Ricardo Angelo, Gianreto Manatschal, and Brian Horn
"It's Just a Question of Finding Enough Barrels" – A Brief History of the Oil Barrel,
Jonathan Craig
Distribution and Major Control Factors of the Present-Day Overpressured System in Zhanhua Sag,
Xuewei Dang and Sheng He
Comparison between Formation Pressure Modeling Using Well-Logging Data and Seismic Velocity Data in Bonan Sag,
Xuewei Dang and Sheng He
Tectonic-Sedimentary Evolution of Shallow Marine Oil-Bearing Miocene Syn-Rift Carbonate Sequences, Zeit Bay Field, Southern Gulf of Suez, Egypt,
Mohamed Darwish, Basem Tawfik, Raed Badr, Aly Gadallah, Saber Moustafa, Khaled Hawa, and Wegdan Saleh
Full-Waveform Inversion by Multi-Scale Temporal Integration,
Pan Deng, Wei Huang, and Hua-Wei Zhou
Weighted Stacking of Seismic AVO Data using Hybrid AB Semblance and Local Similarity,
Pan Deng, Hua-Wei Zhou, Yu Zhang, Yuyang Tan, and Yangkang Chen
Fault Seal Analysis through Geologic Time Using an Integrated Petroleum Systems Approach,
Jan Derks, Cassandra Warren, and Carlo Caso
Development and Calibration of New Natural Gas d13c and d2h Reference Standards,
Robert Dias, Geoff Ellis, and Dennis Coleman
Observations on Tectonic Evolution and Prospectivity of Madagascar Offshore Basins Based on Interpretation of New Seismic Data,
Roel Dirkx, Ben Sayers, Erika Tibocha, Felicia Winter, Paul Chandler, Bonaventure Rasoanaivo, Lalanirina Ranoroarisoa, Xu Wenshuai, and Xing Hongkai
A New Standard Facies Belt and Biofacies Approach Based on Acropora Coral in Ujunggenteng Area, West Java Province, Indonesia,
Wahyu Dwijo, Yahdi Zaim, and Yan Rizal
Geoelectric Sounding and Hydrochemical Investigations for Groundwater Potentiality in the Area West of the
River Nile, Assiut, Egypt,
M. O. Ebraheem, H. A. Ibrahim, and M. F. Khalil
Shale Pressure Reversals, Identification and Implications from Pore Pressure Models of the SMK Field,
Onshore, Western Niger Delta,
O. A. Ehinola, M. O. Ogunsakin, and E. O. Olopade
Absolute and Relative Permeabilities from Well Logs in Tight Reservoirs,
Tarek Elkewidy
Time-Lapse Gravity and Gravity Gradient Monitoring of SAGD Reservoirs,
E Judith Elliott
The Mesozoic Structure of the Central Part of the South-Iberian Passive Margin and its Influence in the Cenozoic Contractional Deformation: Comparison between the Eastern Prebetic Zone (Betic Cordillera) and the Columbrets Basin (Southwest Valencia Trough),
Frederic Oriol Escosa, Eduard Roca, Mireia Butillé, Maria Roma, and Oriol Ferrer
The External Eastern Prebetics: Paper of Basement Faults in an Inverted Salt-Bearing Passive Margin,
Frederic Oriol Escosa and Eduard Roca
Estimation of the Quality Factor with Tomography Using the Complex Eikonal Equation,
Tatiana Espinosa and Carlos Piedrahita Escobar
Further on the Predictive Volcanic Eruption Trends: A Theoretical Approach to Geophysical Survey,
Emetere Eterigho
Hierarchical Organization of Strata Within a High-Frequency Milankovitch-Scale Fluvial Sequence, Cretaceous Ferron Notom Delta, South Central Utah, USA,
Oyebode Famubode and Janok Bhattacharya
Application of Stepwise Regression for Selecting the Optimal Log Measurements for
Hydraulic Fracturing,
Mehdi E. Far, John A. Quirein, and Natasa Mekic
Roofline-Model-Driven Optimizations for Elastic Wave Propagation on Modern Processors,
Albert Farrés, Mauricio Hanzich, Miguel Ferrer, and Josep De La Puente
Optimization Strategies for Implementing Elastic Wave Propagators in Intel Xeon Phi Coprocessors,
Albert Farrés, Mauricio Hanzich, Diego Caballero, Santiago Fernández, and Alejandro Durán
Reservoir Overpressure Modelling in North Malay Basin,
Ku Mohd Faizul Fazlee
Lithology Prediction Based on the Full-Waveform Inversion Results,
Runhai Feng, Stefan M. Luthi, Dries Gisolf, and Siddharth Sharma
Global Stochastic Inversion for Under-Sampled Reservoirs,
Astrid Fernandez, Ruben Nunes, Amilcar Soares, Dario Cersosimo, Miles Leggett, and Leonardo Azevedo
Validation of a 3D Geomechanical Model in Wildcat Exploration: A Case Study,
Oscar Fernandez and Toby Harrold
Chattian Larger Foraminifera from the Benitatxell Range (Prebetic Domain, SE Spain) – Discussion on the Characterization of Shallow Benthic Zone 23,
Carles Ferrèndez-Cañadell and Telm Bover-Arnal
Accurate 3D Bathymetry Representation in Low-Dispersion Finite Differences,
Miguel Ferrer, Josep De La Puente, and Santiago Fernández Prieto
Experimental Approach to Megaflap Development during Passive Salt Diapirism: Controlling Factors and Kinematics,
Oriol Ferrer, Nuria Carrera, Eduard Roca, Josep Anton Muñoz, Mark G. Rowan, and Katherine A. Giles
Seamount Control during Gravity-Driven Extension Involving Multi-Layered Evaporites,
Oriol Ferrer, Eduard Roca, Oscar Gratacós, and Josep Anton Muñoz
Comparative Analysis of Ancient Mouth Bars and Subaqueous Terminal Distributary Channels in Three Deltas: The Permian Mackellar Formation of Antarctica, the Cretaceous Schrader Bluff Formation of Arctic Alaska, and the Cretaceous Loyd Formation of Colorado,
Peter Flaig, Timothy Prather, Dolores Van Der Kolk, and Stephen Hasiotis
Cross-Gradient Joint Inversion Coupled with Euler Deconvolution of Gravity and Magnetic Anomalies,
Emilia Fregoso, Luis A. Gallardo, and Juan Garcia-Abdeslem
Seismic Competition: The Race to Perfect the Seismograph in North America,
Brian Frehner
3D CSEM Exploration Performance in the Barents Sea,
Pål Gabrielsen and Stein Fanavoll
Integration of Geomechanics, Stress Field and Reservoir Production to Predict Dynamic Fractures Behavior for Tight Sandstone Reservoir,
Hui Gang
Geometrical Characterization of Fracture Systems in Rock Mass by Means of Terrestrial Laser Scanner,
David Garcia-Selles, Pablo Martinez Granado, and Josep Anton Muñoz
Tertiary Oil-Prone Coals and Carbonaceous Shales Identified as the Potential Source Rock of the
Caracara Sur Oil Field in the Llanos Basin, Colombia,
M. F. García-Mayoral, J. O. W. Grimmer, J. Navarro, M. R. Rodríguez-Pardo, A. Medina, and E. Cuñado
Geological Constraints on Central Kohat Foreland Basin, Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, Pakistan: Implications from 2D and 3D Structural Modeling,
Syed Ahsan Hussain Gardezi
Constraining the Timing of Dry Gas Formation: Insights from re-Os and Apatite Fission Track Geochronology from South Guizhou (China),
Xiang Ge, Chuanbo Shen, Hongguo Ji, Zhaoqian Liu, Lianfu Mei, Dafei Deng, and David Selby
Predicting Reservoir Intervals by Looking at Fault Data: An Exploration Tool in Frontier Basins,
Ramadan Ghalayini, Jean-Marc Daniel, Fadi Nader, and Catherine Homberg
Interactive 3D Potential Field Modelling and Visualization – New Generation Software,
Hans-Juergen Goetze, Michael R. Alvers, Liliana Barrio-Alvers, Christian Plonka, Bernd Lahmeyer, and Sabine Schmidt
Full-Waveform Inversion on Heterogeneous Massively Parallel Computers,
Alexey Gokhberg, Saulė Simutė, and Andreas Fichtner
Stylolite Networks as a Primary Control on the Geometry of Massive Diagenetic Alterations in Carbonates,
Enrique Gomez-Rivas, Juan Diego Martín-Martín, Paul Bons, and Daniel Koehn
New Constraints on the Sedimentary and Tectonic Evolution of the San Pedro Basin, Southern Dominican Republic Offshore Margin, New Opportunities for Hydrocarbon Exploration?,
Jose Miguel Gorosabel, Andrés Carbó Gorosabel, José Luis Granja Bruña, Ávaro Rodríguez Zurrunero, Alfonso Muñoz Martín, Laura Gómez De La Peña, and Antonio Pazos
New Interpretation of the Depositional Systems of the San Pedro Basin Based on New Seismic Data, Southern Dominican Republic Offshore Margin,
Jose Miguel Gorosabel, Andrés Carbó Gorosabel, José Luis Granja Bruña, Ávaro Rodríguez Zurrunero, Alfonso Muñoz Martín, Laura Gómez De La Peña, and Antonio Pazos
Discrete Fracture Network Model Developed from a High Resolution LIDAR Outcrop Survey of a Naturally
Fractured Unconventional Niobrara Reservoir, Denver Basin,
Alena Grechishnikova
The Earliest Women Geologists in Geophysics,
Robbie Gries
Seismic Geomechanics of Mud Volcanoes,
Rashad Gulmammadov, Stephen Covey-Crump and Mads Huuse
Tectono-Stratigraphic Evolution of the Centaur 3D Survey, Exmouth Plateau, North West Shelf, Australia,
Sasha Gumprecht
Investigation of the Compaction Trends in the Shales of the South Caspian Basin,
Farid Gurbanov, Elshan Rzayev, Rauf Aliyarov, and Rizvan Ramazanov
Reservoir Characterization by Integration of Outcrop Analog with In Situ Stress Profiling of a Fractured Carbonate Reservoir,
Jon Gutmanis
P-Wave Slowness Surface Approximation for Tilted Orthorhombic Media,
Qi Hao and Alexey Stovas
Analytic Formulae for Wave Normal of P-Waves in TI and Orthorhombic Media,
Qi Hao and Alexey Stovas
Lateral Distribution of Petrophysical Properties on Clastic Mangahewa Formation, Maui Field, New Zealand,
AKM Haque, Aminul Islam, and Mohamed Shalaby
Palaeogeographic and Palaeoclimatic Evolution of the North Atlantic: The Role of Earth Systems Modelling in the Predictive Mapping of Source Rock Environments,
Jim Harris, Alexandra Ashley, Fiona Healey, Simon Otto, Sean Pyman, Watson John, Windmill Richard, Mike Goodrich, Jon Hill, and Alexandros Avdis
Fault Recognition While Drilling,
Haryanty Hashim, Raidi Hashim, and Anifadora Mustapha
Depositional Setting and Facies Geometry of Lacustrine Coquina Reservoirs: Examples from the West African Margin,
Hassan Hassan, Nicola Adams, and Ian Billing
Controls on Acoustic Anisotropy Observed in Unconsolidated Sands using Laboratory Measurements and Digital
Rock Technology,
Lori A. Hathon, Michael T. Myers, and Alon Arad
Drilling Risk Assessment through Joint EM and Seismic Data Integrated Interpretation,
Zhanxiang He and Gang Yu
Full-Field 4D Image-Modelling to Optimize a Closed-Loop Seismic Reservoir Monitoring Work-Flow,
David Hill, Sonika Sonika, Mehdi Paydayesh, Dominic Lowden, Andrej Bulat, Leigh Truelove, Clark Chahine, and Adrian Rodriguez Herrera
Derived Seismic Attributes Underpin Reservoir Characterization in Data-Driven Methodologies,
Keith Holdaway
Surface Reservoir Characteristics from Subsurface Seismic Images with Deep Learning Methodologies,
Keith Holdaway, Patrick Hall, Jorge Silva, and Ilknur Kabul
Structural Restoration of the Rovuma Basin to Analyse the Tectonic History and the Implications for the Petroleum Systems,
Eva Hollebeek, Olivia Osicki, and Duplo Kornpihl
Petroleum Peologists and the History of the Principle of Uniformitarianism,
Andrew Hopkins
Re-Evaluation of the Petroleum Potential of the Diyarbakir Basin (SE Turkey): A Perspective from the Ordovician Icemarginal Areas of the Northern Arabian Plate,
Izzet Hosgor, Gökay Yildiz, Bayram Saridas, Ahmet Aytünür, and Bayram Kara
Hydrocarbon Generation and Expulsion Characteristics of Lower-Middle Permian Lucaogou Formation in Jimusar Sag, Eastern Margin, Junggar Basin, Northwest China: Implications for Tight Oil Accumulation Potential,
Tao Hu and Xiongqi Pang
Provenance Analysis and Petroleum Geological Significance of Shallow-Sea Gravity Flow Sandstones from Huangliu Formation in Yinggehai Basin, South China Sea,
Yintao Huang and Guangqing Yao
Geochemistry Characters of Effective Source Rocks in Block D of Irrawaddy Basin, Myanmar,
Zhang Huimin, Zhang Zhihuan, and Luo Mengjiao
Litho 2: Enabling the Power of Mobile Devices and Cloud Computing for Creating Comprehensive Sedimentary Logs from Outcrop, Core and Mud Logging,
Javier Iparraguirre, Carlos Zavala, Mariano Arcuri, Mariano Di Meglio, and Agustin Zorzano
Quantification of Net-to-Gross and Oil Impregnation in Bioturbated Heterolithic Clastic Reservoirs using Core Photographs,
Javier Iparraguirre, Bahía Blanca, Mariano Arcuri, Carlos Zavala, Mariano Di Meglio, Agustin Zorzano, Victor Hugo Goitia Antezana, and Luis Roberto Arnez Espinosa
An Optimistic Approach Towards the Hydrocarbon Potential of Sub-Thrust Zones in the Complexly Deformed Mature Kohat Basin, NW Himalayas, Pakistan,
Khan Irfan, Sajjad Ahmad, Mahmood Khokhar, Usman Mohammad, and Afrah Sajjad
First Oil Discovery of Eocene Meta-Sedimentary Basement, Offshore Sarawak, Malaysia,
Siti Fatimah Jabbar and Muhammad Khairul Amri Mohd Bukhari
High-Resolution 3-D Stochastic Mapping of Lithofacies within the Multi-Reservoirs Upper Bentiu Member – Implication of a Rifted Stratigraphic Setting,
Mohammed Jabir, Ali Sahin, Osman Abdullatif, Mohammad Makkawi, Gabor Korvin, and Sanlinn Kaka
The A-Field Offshore Brazil: Timing of Oil Charge and its Effect in Reservoir Diagenesis,
Alejandro Jaramillo and Helen Lewis
Assessment of Trap Formation and Hydrocarbon Charge Timing in the Deepwater Fold-and-Thrust Belt,
Offshore Sabah, NW Borneo,
Laurence Jayawardane, Martin Neumaier, Al Fraser, and Adeline Parent
A Source Rock Evaluation of the Rovuma Basin, Mozambique,
David Johnstone
Prediction of Fracture Networks in Structural Traps: Insights from Outcrop Characterisation of Four-Way Closing Anticlines in Reservoir Analogues,
Richard Jones, Sotirios Kokkalas, Jonathan Long, and Susie Daniels
Multi-Scale Simulation of Absolute Permeability Using 3D X-Ray Micro-Tomography Images,
Soufiane Jouini, Ali Al Sumaiti, Abdul Ravoof Shaik, Khurshed Rahimov, and Mohamed Hossni Elsayed Hashem
Azimuthal Frequency-Dependent AVO Inversion and its Application in Deep Carbonate Reservoirs in Tahe Oilfield of China,
Xu Kai and Xiao Pengfei
Pore Geometry Controls on Residual Saturation Trapping Of CO2: Applications for Commercial Scale Carbon Sequestration,
John Kaldi
CO2 Storage Site at a Volcanic Sill Structure in a Sedimentary Basin in the Korean Continental Shelf, Yellow Sea,
Moo-Hee Kang, Gee-Soo Kong, Kyong-O Kim, and Jin-Ho Kim
Seismic Stratigraphic Analysis and Hydrocarbon Potential of the Late Miocene Submarine Canyons in the Southwestern Margin of the Ulleung Basin, East Sea,
Moohee Kang, Minwoo Lee, and Myong-Ho Park
Depositional Architecture of the Gotnia Basin during Oxfordian in Southern Part of Kuwait,
Dabeer Khan and Mohammad Al-Ajmi
Water Encroachment Surveillance and Development Strategy for Production of Oil from Lower Burgan Reservoir: North Kuwait,
Ali Khan
Wavelet Transform Application in Seismic Discontinuity Detection,
Abdolah Kiani, Keyvan Najafzadeh, and Yahya Moradi Chaleshtori
Opportunities and Challenges of the Deep Kimmeridgian-Tithonian Age Evaporates in the Light of Unconventional Reservoir Appraisal: Kuwait Case Study,
Vijaya Kumar Kidambi, Chinmaya Pattnaik, Srinivasa Rao Narhari, and Qasem Dashti
Assessment of the Sustainability of a Borehole for a Small Town Water Supply Scheme in Mim-Kyemfre in the Kwahu Afram Plains, North District, Ghana,
Evans Kofi
Stratigraphic Evolution of a Paleopolar Topset-Clinoform System: Upper Cretaceous Schrader Bluff-Prince Creek Formations, Arctic Alaska, U.S.A.,
Dolores van der Kolk, Peter Flaig, and Stephen Hasiotis
3D Elastic Inversion in Presence of Smooth Topography: Application to Real Data,
Jean Kormann, Juan-Esteban Rodriguez, Josep De La Puente, Mauricio Hanzich, Jose Cela, Miguel Ferrer, David Marti, Ignacio Marzan, and Ramon Carbonell
Origin of Natural Gas in the Polish Outer Carpathians,
Maciej Kotarba
A Molecular Dynamics Simulation Approach in Estimating Organic-rich Shale Permeability,
Rui Kou, Saad Fahaid K. Alafnan, and I. Yucel Akkutlu
Modeling a Concept and the Concept of Modeling,
Hemin Koyi
Structural Link between Cover Units and an Oblique Strike-Slip Basement Fault: Insights from Modeling of the Shah Structure, UAE,
Hemin Koyi, Daniel Morad, and Manhal Sirat
The Novel High-Performance 3-D
Inverse Solver Based on an Integral Equation Approach,
Mikhail Kruglyakov, Alexei Geraskin, and Alexei Kuvshinov
New Model of the Tectono-Sedimentary Evolution of the Lower Paleozoic Basin Developed Above the East European Craton in Poland and its Bearing on the Petroleum System,
Piotr Krzywiec, Mateusz Kufrasa, Kaja Pietsch, Jan Golonka, Michal Stefaniuk, and Tomasz Mackowski
Determination of Effective Water Saturation in Low Resistivity Low Contrast Fresh Water Shaly Sands Integrating SP Log with Resistivity and Other Conventional Logs and Core Data – A Case Study,
Pradeep Kumar, Shalini Hooda, and B. S. Bisht
Maximizing the Value of Deep Long-Offset Seismic Reflection Data,
Nick Kusznir, Leanne Cowie, Brian Horn, Paul Bellingham, and Alan Roberts
Marginal Marine Mudstones in the Pattani Basin, Gulf of Thailand: Implications for Stratigraphic Development, Reservoir Characterization and Correlation Potential,
Joseph Lambiase, Jittikan Narapan, and Patcharaporn Champasa
Utilizing Geochemical Analysis in Unconventional Reservoirs to Allocate Produced Oils to Stratigraphic Zone,
Heather Lareau, Jeremy Dahl, Adam Clark, Bob Parney, and Scott Friedman
Mapping of Basement Relief and Volcanic Intrusions of Parecis Basin in Brazil Based on 3D
Imaging and Potential Field Data,
Emanuele La Terra, Leonardo Vital, Isabella Santos, Leonardo Miquelutti, and Sergio Fontes
Fuzzy-Logic Clustering of 3D
and Seismic Velocity Models: Tenerife Island, Spain,
Juanjo Ledo, Pilar Queralt, Alex Marcuello, Araceli Garcia-Yeguas, Perla Piña-Varas, Ianire Prudencio, Alejandro Diaz, and Jesus Ibañez
Ages and Depositional Environments of Barents Sea Petroleums,
Benedikt Lerch, Dag Karlsen, and Reinert Seland
Forward Analysis of the Sources and Relative Contributions of Marine Oil and Gas in the Tarim Basin,
Qianwen Li, Qiongqi Pang, and Junqing Chen
Tight Oil Accumulation of Yanchang Formation in Ansai Area, Ordos Basin, North China,
Tingan Li
Structural Characteristics and Giant Gas Field in Ultra-Deep Layer of Salt-Bearing Basin, Kuqa Foreland Basin, NW China,
Yong Li and Yuan Neng
Case Study of the Effect of Grid-Search Objective Function in Microseismic Source Location,
Luolan Li, Yuyang Tan, Chuan He, and Pan Deng
Quantitative Simulation of Sandstone Porosity Evolution Accounting for Compaction and Unloading,
Tingan Li
Integrated Reservoir Modeling of the Deltaic Reservoir in Wuliwan Area, Ordos Basin, North China,
Renpeng Li
Explaining Production – A Review of Unexpected Production During the Initial Appraisal of a Organic Rich Shale Play by Integrating Geology and Petrophysics with Production, Woodford Shale, USA,
James Lindsay and Eli Menendez
Modelling Of an Outcropping Heavy Oil Carbonate Field, Using Dense Well Calibration, Field Work and Lab Measurements: The Oligo-Miocene Reservoir of the Maiella Mountain–Central Apennines, Italy,
Lorenzo Lipparini, Roberta Ruggieri, Marco Brandano, and Fabio Trippetta
Early Oil Explorers in Italy across the '800 and '900: The North Maiella-Tocco Casauria Oil Province Case Histories (Abruzzo – Italy),
Lorenzo Lipparini, Francesco Gerali, and Jacopo Palladini
A New Type of Tight Oil Formed by the Participation of Mantle-Magmatic Hydrothermal Fluid,
Yiqun Liu
Results of Investigation of Archaeological Sites with Help of Geophysics, SEG Field Camp 2015: In Pursuit of the Scythians,
Georgiy Loginov
Application of AVO and Spectral Decomposition for Derisking Paleogene Hydrocarbon Traps in the UK North Sea,
Nick Loizou
An RBF-FD Scheme on Hexagonal Grids to Solve the Helmholtz Equation with High Wavenumber,
Mauricio Londono
Hessian Matrix Estimation from a Sub-Sampled Set of Columns,
Juan Sebastián López Guerra, Ana Ramirez, and Sergio Abreo
Scale-Dependent Performance Drivers in the Wolfcamp Shale of the Midland Basin, West Texas,
Donny Loughry, Paul Clarke, and Gervasio Barzola
Characteristics of Dolomitic Tight Oil Reservoirs of Permian Lucaogou Formation in Jimusar Sag, Junggar Basin,
Wu Luya, Xiongqi Pang, Zhou Liming, Pang Hong, and Kuang Lichun
Structural Control on Occurrence and Distribution of Late Jurassic Gotnia Evaporite Sequences in North Kuwait Area,
Venkateswara Rao Maddipudi, Abdulaziz Ali, Meshal Al-Wadi, and Sanjeev S Thakur
Improved Subsurface Imaging through Reverse Time Migration: A Synthetic Case Study,
Pradeep Mahadasu
Regional Stratigraphic Architecture of the Red Sea,
Syed Amir Mahmud, Khalid Almalki, and Haider Ali
Broadband Acoustic Impedance Reconstruction from Band-Limited Seismic Reflection Data: A Feasibility Study from First Principles,
Animesh Mandal and Santi Ghosh
Structure of Baan Pong Basin, Hang Dong District, Chiang Mai Province, Based on Joint Gravity Interpretation and Geologic Field Observations,
Niti Mankhemthong
Qualitative and Quantitative Use of Partial Stacks in Seismic Interpretation: Case Studies from West Africa,
Abdul Karim Mansaray, Promod Kumar Painuly, and Manuel Gonzalez-Fernandez
Exploratory Analysis in the Cretaceous – Paleogene Tectonostratigraphic Framework for the
Mantecal Area, Apure sub-basin,
Jose Marcano, Nubia Santiago, and Crelia Padron
Natural Fractures Characterization and Horizontal Drilling of an Oil-Prone Devonian Carbonate–Birth of a New Major Play in Eastern Canada,
Jean-Sebastien Marcil
Optimized Lithofacies Definition through Heterogeneous Rock Analysis and Correlation with Core and Productivity Potential,
Nelbett Marfisi and Barillas Cortez
Depocenters with Potential Preservation of Pre-Carboniferous Rocks in Norte Basin (Uruguay),
Josefina Marmisolle, Gerardo Veroslavsky, and Héctor de Santa Ana
Magnetic and Radiometric Signatures in Soils above Hydrocarbon Accumulations. Toqui-Toqui and
Maná Fields, Tolima, Colombia,
Henry Martínez-Gómez
Possible Hydrocarbon Plays in the South Adriatic Basin and Analogues with Ionian and Apulian Geological Provinces,
Marin Matesic, Lilit Cota, and Josip Bubnic
Simulation of Fluid Pressure and Fracturing in CO2 Sequestration,
Jonathan Matthews, Christopher Paolini, and Jose Castillo
Organic Rich Facies in the Lewis Shale as an Oil and Gas Source Rock, Greater Green River Basin, Wyoming. United States,
Carolina Mayorga, Roger Slatt, and David Pyles
Late Holocene Record of Sedimentologic and Paleooceanographic Events in Western Guaymas Basin, Gulf of California,
Mary McGann, John Barron, Brian Edwards, Juan Carlos Herguera, Charles Paull, Roberto Gwiazda, Krystle Anderson, and Eve Lundsten
Efficient Frontier Exploration Using Towed Streamer EM and Broadband Dual Sensor Seismic Data,
Allan McKay, Anwar Bhuiyan, and Tashi Tshering
Outdoor Multi Purposes Geophysical Test Site for Educational and Research Activities,
Mohamed Metwaly
Structure and Dynamics in the North Jizhong Depression, Bohai Bay Basin, Eastern China,
Quanyun Miao, Jiafu Qi, Yueqi Dong, Bingshan Ma, Qiang Gao, Lishuang Wang, and Jie Zhang
Diabase Sill Intrusions in the Parnaiba Basin: Imaging Challenges, Velocity Modeling and Seismic Interpretation,
Diogo Michelon, Roberto Ribeiro, João Caldeira, Paulo Roberto Cunha, and Frederico Miranda
Determination of Wettability from Magnetic Resonance Relaxation and Diffusion Measurements on Fresh-State
Chanh Cao Minh, Steve Crary, Philip M. Singer, Andrea Valori, Nate Bachman, Gabor Hursan, Shouxiang Ma, Ali Belowi, and Ghazi Kraishan
The Atypical Igneous-Sedimentary Petroleum Systems of the Parnaíba Basin: Seismic, Well-Logs and Analogues,
Frederico Miranda, Paulo Roberto Cunha, João Caldeira, Fernando Aragão, and Diogo Michelon
Exploiting a Priori Model Reduction Methods to Accelerate Seismic Simulations,
David Modesto and Josep De La Puente
Local Radial Basis Functions for Helmholtz Equation in Seismic Inversion,
Hebert Montegranario and Mauricio Londoño
Quality Enhancement of 3D Seismic Data Using Anisotropic Diffusion
Yahya Moradi Chaleshtori, Abdolah Kiani, and Keyvan Najafzadeh
Influence of Error in Estimating Anisotropic Parameters on VTI Depth Imaging,
S. Y. Moussavi Alashloo, D. P. Ghosh, and W. Y. Wan Ismail
Integrated Interpretation of Potential Field and Reflection Seismic Data from the Orsa Area of the Siljan Impact Crater, Central Sweden,
Harbe Muhamad, Christopher Juhlin, and Alireza Malehmir
3D Seismic Survey Design: a Reasonable Solution for the Douleb Oil Field -Central of Tunisia,
Mohamed Nejmaoui, Mohamed Hédi Inoubli, Mohamed Houssem Kallel, Kawthar Sebei, and Mouna Brahmi
Petrographic Characteristics and Reservoir Quality of Paleozoic-Mesozoic Formations of the An Chau Basin, Onshore North Vietnam,
Hoang Anh Tuan and Duc Nguyen
Exploration Revival from Multi-Vintage Diverse Source Dataset–Bay of Biscay,
Howard Nicholls, Lauren Penn, Neil Hodgson, Roger Oldfield, Mike Saunders, and Milos Cvetkovic
The Seal Capacity of Direct Cap Rocks: Insights from Rock Mechanical Properties,
Fei Ning, Jinbiao Yun, Zhongpei Zhang, and Jianjiao Li
Geometry and Kinematics of Thrust Belts above a Viscous Detachment: Implications to Hydrocarbon Exploration from New Modeling Experiments,
Carlos Ruela Nogueira, Instituto Dom Luiz, and Fernando Ornelas Marques
Basin Modeling of Parts of the Niger Delta: Thermal Maturity Evaluation and Prediction of Petroleum Generation,
F. I. Nwokocha and M. N. Oti
Multi Azimuth Survey Design for a Complex Carbonate Reservoir in Offshore Spain,
German Ocampo, Guillermo Marro, Pedro Muñoz, Carlos Gordillo, Pablo Ortoloa, Miguel Polanco, Mauricio Hanzich, Juan-Esteban Rodriguez, and Josep De La Puente
Understanding the Pressure Regimes Along the West Africa Margin and Their Implications for Prospectivty,
Steve O'Connor
Diamondoid Concentrations in the Characterisation of Condensates and Crude Oil Samples from 'Eye, Ola and Ade' Fields in the Northern Depobelt, Niger Delta,
Convenant E. Ogunleye and Ajayi Ehinola
Sedimentological Reappraisal of Mass-flow Sandstones, Fulmar Formation Play, UK Central North Sea,
Ikenna C. Okwara and Gary J. Hampson
Seal Rock Characterization of the Barinas Apure Basin, Venezuela,
Rosalin Oliveros, Nubia Santiago, and Landann Escorcia
Seismic Reservoir Characterization and Discrimination over 'Aib-EX' Oil Field, Niger Delta,
Sunday Olotu, Ibukun Olorunniwo, Olatunbosun Alao, and Adekunle Adepelumi
Subsurface Mapping of Thin-Sand Reservoirs Using Seismic Texture and Narrow-Band Spectral Analysis Attributes Over "X" Oil Field, Offshore Niger Delta,
Sunday Olotu, Ibukun Olorunniwo, Adekunle Adepelumi, Olatunbosun Alao, Samuel Ojo, Moses Olorunniwo, and Bankole Ako
A Study on the Relation between Recent Induced Seismicity and Water Level in the Northwestern Part of Nasser Lake, Aswan, Egypt,
Khaled Omar
Seismic Interpretation and Characterization of Igneous Rocks in Jan Mayen Microcontinent,
Norwegian-Greenland Sea,
K. O. Omosanya, D. Harishidayat, and S. E. Johansen
DS2-O Reconstruction of the Subsurface Depositional History of Onshore Niger Delta Basin through
Basin Analysis Approach,
John Onayemi and Oladele Sunday
Reservoir Optimisation Inspection and the Gains in the "OGBO" Field of the Niger Delta Basin, Nigeria,
O. J. Onwuka, K. Mosto Onuoha, C. G. Okeugo, and C. I. P. Dim
Inorganic Geochemical Characterization of the Cretaceous Marine and Continental Sediments in the Keana Area of the Middle-Benue Trough, North-Central Nigeria: Its Implication in Tectonic Setting, Provenance and Depositional Environment,
Nnaemeka Onyeagba and Edafetano Ashano
Mass-Transport Complexes as Deformation Markers: Insights from the Magdalena Fan, Offshore Colombia,
Andrea Ortiz Karpf, David Hodgson, and William McCaffrey
GPR Noise Reduction Based on BPD and BPD-EMD,
Roya Ostoori, Ali Goudarzi, and Behrooz Oskooi
Rock Physics and AVO Mapping of Lithofacies and Pore Fluid Probabilities: Niger Delta,
Ibukun Olorunniwo, Sunday Olotu, Moses Olorunniwo, and Adekunle Adepelumi
Membrane Morphology of Organic-Rich Eagle Ford Shale and its Implications for Rock Surface-Fluid Interaction,
Anton Padin, Sebastian Ramiro, Azra Tutuncu, and Steve Sonnenberg
Changes in Properties of Coal as a Result of Continued Bioconversion,
Rohit Pandey, Satya Harpalani, Ji Zhang, and Yanna Liang
The Recovery of TOC and Its Application in Source Rocks at High Mature–Over Mature Stage in Deep Petroliferous Basin,
Xiongqi Pang, Qianwen Li, Sumei Li, and Maowen Li
A New Analytical Model for Stencil-Based Seismic Algorithms Implementations on GPU,
Dorfell Parra, William Salamanca, and Ana Ramirez
Sequence-Stratigraphy and Depositional Model of an Aptian Non-Rimmed Carbonate Platform, Maestrat Basin, Spain,
Enric Pascual-Cebrian, Telm Bover-Arnal, Ramon Salas, Peter W. Skelton, and Eulèlia Gili
Best Practices for Mitigating Subsurface Challenges of Natural Fracture Characterization and Fracture Modeling of Deep Unconventional Reservoirs,
Chinmaya Pattnaik, Vijaya Kumar Kidambi, Neama Hussain Abdullah Al-Ajmi, Qasem Dashti, Bashar Al-Qadeeri, and Srinivasa Rao Narhari
Factors Affecting Productivity in the Cardium Tight Light Oil Play, Alberta, Canada,
Per Kent Pedersen, Holly Nicholas, Raymond Van, Julianne Fic, and Adam Fraser
The Structural Characteristics of Nanopores in the Marine Shale of Lower Paleozoic in Southeastern Sichuan Basin, China,
Nyujia Peng and Sheng He
Geostatistical Seismic Inversion Using Analogs for Reservoir Characterization and Uncertainty Assessment in
Early Stages of Exploration,
Ħngela Pereira, Ruben Nunes, Leonardo Azevedo, Luís Guerreiro, and Amílcar Soares
Direct Gas Sand Quality Estimation from Seismic Inversion, a Successful Story from Hai Thach
Field, Nam Con Son Basin, Vietnam,
S. Phan, H. M. Hoang, and H. N. Tran
Microseismic Monitoring to Help Understand the Call of the Vaca Muerta Formation,
Luis Pianelli, Fernando Coetsee, Juan La Vecchia, and Adrian Sanchez
Salt Tectonics and Fluid Flow on Morocco Offshore: Insights from Seismic Interpretation and Discrete-Element Modelling,
Leonardo Muniz Pichel, Mads Huuse, and Emma Finch
Geometry of a Fold-And-Thrust Belt Generated by Multiple Décollements (Kuqa Basin, NW China): Insights from Analogue and Numerical Models,
Oriol Pla, Ana Carmona, Esther Izquierdo, Eduard Roca, Josep Anton Muñoz, Oriol Ferrer, Stuart Hardy, Huiwen Xie, Yuan Neng, Shaoying Huang, and Mark Rowan
Stratigraphic Trap Potential and Reservoir Distribution of the Upper Shu'aiba Reservoir Based on Newly Acquired Data in the Underexplored Eastern Rub' al-Khali Basin, Saudi Arabia,
Kenri Pomar
High Resolution Diffraction Imaging of Small Scale Fractures in Shale and Carbonate Reservoirs,
Alexander Popovici, Ioan Sturzu, and Tijmen Jan Moser
Understanding of Natural Fractures in the Woodford Shale to Improve Hydrocarbon Production,
Romina Portas and Roger Slatt
Assessing Well Performance in a Prolific Liquids-Rich Shale Play–An Eagle Ford Shale Case Study, Texas, U.S.A.,
Doug Portis, Paul Clarke, Gervasio Barzola, and Hector Bello
Hydro-Mechanical Modelling of Mudstone Compaction in a Salt Bounded Mini-Basin Subjected to Lateral Deformation,
Joshua Obradors Prats, Mohamed Rouainia, Andrew Aplin, and Anthony Crook
Inversion of Vertical Electrical Sounding Data to Identify Hot Groundwater in Geothermal Prospect Area in
Bumiaji Region, Malang, Indonesia,
Mariyanto and Has Priahadena
Capturing Flow Transformation Processes across an Uneven Seabed in Coarse-Grained Sediment Gravity Flow Deposits,
Aurélia Privat, David Hodgson, Jeffrey Peakall, Christopher A-L Jackson, and Ernesto Schwarz
Sedimentology and Architecture of Early Post-Rift Submarine Lobe Deposits: The Los Molles Formation, Neuquén Basin, Argentina,
Aurélia Privat, David Hodgson, Jeffrey Peakall, Christopher A-L Jackson, and Ernesto Schwarz
The Meso-Neoproterozoic Sedimentary Basin in the Volgo-Uralian Province and Adjacent Part of the Urals: A Corrected Stratigraphy, Correlation and Oil and Gas Prospect,
Victor Puchkov
The Diagenetic Study from Kujung Formation, Indonesia – New Geological
Model from Several Carbonate Mound,
Teddy Eka Putra, Jaka Radiansyah, and Ari Samodra
Steel Casing Effect on Land CSEM Monitoring,
Vladimir Puzyrev, Eloi Vilamajo, Pilar Queralt, Juanjo Ledo, and Alex Marcuello
The Effect of Sodium Carbonate on Organic Evolution and Hydrocarbon Generation in Alkaline Salt Lake,
Wen Qi, Jianguo Pan, and Yanqing Xia
Petrophysical Approach and How to Calculate Kerogen Volume for Corrected Porosity in
Unconventional Reservoir, a Case Study from Kuwait,
Ahmed Rabie, Musaed Al-Mukhaizem, and Mohamed Dawwas Al-Ajmi
Real-Time Detection of Drill Bit Metamorphism for Accurate Interpretation of Hydrocarbon Shows,
Mariel Reitsma and Chris Harlow
Distribution Characteristics of Oil Sandstone and Main Controlling Factors in Wangguantun Oilfield,
Xiaoxu Ren, Jiagen Hou, Yuming Liu, and Wen Zhao
Basin Modelling at the Songkhla Basin (Gulf of Thailand) or: how many source rocks do I have?,
Samuel Rivas, J.O.W. Grimmer, Antonio Alaminos, and Jorge Navarro
Sequence Stratigraphy and Depositional Dynamics of Sarare – La Victoria, Subcuenca de Apure,
Yanitza Rivas, Mcs. Nubia Santiago, and Mcs. Rafael Falcón
Basin Modelling at the Songkhla Basin (Gulf of Thailand) or: how many source rocks do I have?,
Samuel Rivas, J. O. W. Grimmer, Antonio Alaminos, and Jorge Navarro
Hydrocarbon Exploration in the Fylde, Lancashire from 1980 to 2016, Changing Techniques and Public Response,
Michael Roberts
The Morocco-Canaries Atlantic Margin–A Classic Rifted Margin or a More Complex Failed-Breakup Basin?,
Alan Roberts, Andrew Alvey, John Fisher, Dave Burnett, and Nick Kusznir
Salt Tectonics and Salt-Sediment Interaction around the Bakio Diapir, Basque-Cantabrian Basin, Pyrenees,
Eduard Roca, Mireia Butillé, Ferrer J. Oriol, Pau Arbués, Marco De Matteis, Josep Anton Muñoz, Mark Rowan, and Katherine Giles
Low Cost 3D Mapping Using a Commercial Drone/UAV: Application in Structural Geology,
Riccardo Rocca
Mixed Precision Iterative Solver for the Solution of Large Systems of Linear Equations in Electromagnetic Exploration,
Samuel Rodriguez, Mauricio Hanzich, Vladimir Puzyrev, and Santiago Fernández
Towards an Efficient and Reliable HPC Software Platform for 3D Geophysical Inversion,
Juan-Esteban Rodriguez, Mauricio Hanzich, Jean Kormann, Natalia Gutiérrez, Jose Cela, Josep De La Puente, and Vladimir Puzyrev
A Comparative Study of Different Time Integration Schemes Applied to Finite Difference Elastic Wave Simulations,
Otilio Rojas, Josep De La Puente, Jose Cela, and Santiago Fernández
Thermal Subsidence Modelling in Sequential Restorations of Passive Margins,
Peter Rourke, Oskar Vidal Royo, Oscar Fernandez Bellon, and Adriè Ramos Ordoño
Integrated Stratigraphic and Petroleum System Modeling Study of the Southern Upper Rhine Graben,
Stéphane Roussé, Pierre-Yves Filleaudeau, Guillaume Cruz Mermy, Alexandre Letteron, and Marc Schaming
Salt Tectonics of the Southeastern Norwegian Barents Sea,
Mark Rowan, Tore Skar, and Laila Pedersen
Locating Events Using Borehole Microseismic Monitoring by Inclusion of Particle Motion
Analysis: a case study from Indonesia,
Rexha Verdhora Ry, Sri Widiyantoro, and Andri Dian Nugraha
Derisking an Emerging Slope Carbonate Play Using Basin Modeling Techniques, Central Adriatic, Offshore Italy,
Paul Ryan, Peter Shiner, Barbara Bosica, and Claudio Turrini
Evolution and Economic Implications for Upper Cretaceous Sandstones: A New Example from the Inboard Gulf of Mexico,
Tim Rynott
Fate of the Cretaceous Rudist Buildups in the Arabian Basin and its Impact on Their Reservoir Characteristics,
Fadhil Sadooni
Integration of Geology and Geophysical Data in Reservoir Characterisation–A Case Study of the K Field,
Zaizakrani Md Salleh and Kwong Poh
Mimetic Finite Differences and Interpolation Methods to Simulate Subsurface Mass Transport of Injected CO2,
Eduardo Sanchez and Jose Castillo
Play Fairways Analysis in Barinas-Apure Basin,
Nubia Santiago, Landann Escorcia, Rosalin Oliveros, Louise Bellizzi, José Lara, Zorifrank Hernandez, Jose Marcano, Miguel Moya, Kaolu Parra, Yasmin y Rivas Peña, and Melissa Yanitza
East Shetland Platform Petroleum Geochemistry and Prospectivity,
Arka Dyuti Sarkar
Investigation of Geometrical Descriptors for the 3D Pore Shape Classification in Reservoir Rocks,
Mayka Schmitt, Celso Peres Fernandes, Matthias Halisch, and Cornelia Müller
Surface Geochemical Exploration after 85 Years: What Has Been Accomplished and What More Must be Done,
Dietmar Schumacher
Jurassic Petroleum Systems of the United Kingdom–Ireland and Canadian Conjugate Margins of the Atlantic Ocean,
Iain Scotchman and Anthony Doré
Transfer Zones and Hydrocarbon Trapping: A Case of the Albertine Graben, East African Rift System, Uganda,
Vivienne Sempala, Nurudin Njabire, and Dozith Abeinomugisha
Revealing the True Subsurface Image of Nile Delta, Offshore Egypt,
Mahmoud Shabana
Paleoenvironmental Update of Straits of Melaka,
Nurfadhila M. Sharef, Liu Yun Sheng, Muhammad Khairul Amri Mohd Bukhari, Haryanty Hashim, Ahmad Fahrul Januri, Mat Ismail, Basiron Jalil, Ahmad Sadi, and Mohd Tajudin
Strategies to Include Geological Knowledge in Full Waveform Inversion,
Siddharth Sharma, Dries Gisolf, Stefan Luthi, and Runhai Feng
Modeling and Simulation of Reservoir Poroelastic Response During Hydraulic Fracturing,
Shashwat Sharma, Arpit Chaudhary, and Rajesh R. Nair
Re-Os Geochronometer Constraint on Timing of Petroleum Generation and Migration and Associated Tectonism of the Northern Longmen Shan Thrust, China,
Chuanbo Shen
Oil-Gas Shows from Destruction Hydrocarbon Reservoirs in the Petroliferous Basins of China and their Geological Significance,
Weibing Shen and Xiongqi Pang
Predicting Potential Carbonate Reservoirs Exploration Targets Based on Key Factors Controlling Hydrocarbon Accumulation–A Case Study from the Lower Ordovician Yingshan Formation in Tazhong Area, NW China,
Weibing Shen and Xiongqi Pang
Hydrocarbon-Source Correlation and Timing under Post-Mature Conditions Using Re-Os Geochronology: The Neoproterozoic Dengying Formation of the Sichuan Basin, Southwestern China,
Chunhua Shi, Jian Cao, Wenxuan Hu, David Selby, Xiucheng Tan, and Hong Liu
Predicting Fracture System in Shah Structure using Analogue Modeling: Implication for E&P, and Field Development, Abu Dhabi, UAE,
Manhal Sirat, Hemin Koyi, and Wadha Al Araimi
Facies Modeling Described by Probabilistic Patterns Using Multi-Point Statistics: An Application
to the K-Field, Libya,
Valeria Sisinni, Vanessa Villarroel, Neil McDougall, Marcos Victoria, Yrma Vallez, and Consuelo Garcia Mojonero
Application of Ground Penetrating Radar with Envelope Attribute in Block Caving – Underground Mine for
Determining Continuity of Damage Zones,
Eric Sitorus, Septian Prahastudhi, Turgod Nainggolan, Achmad Muttaqi, Erwin Riyanto, and Daulat Napitupulu
Influence of Mobile Salt on the Distribution and Preservation of
Fulmar Reservoir Sands in the UK Central North Sea,
Mikhail Skaryatin, Matthew Brown, and Oliver Duffy
Defining "Sweet Spots" of the Upper Jurassic Unconventional Hydrocarbon System in Central Part of the Mid-Polish Trough Using Seismic Inversion, Seismic Attribute Analysis and Seismic Stratigraphic Modelling,
Lukasz Slonka, Piotr Krzywiec, Marta Mulinska, Tomasz Rosowski, Michal Malinowski, Marta Cyz, and Paulina Krakowska
A Mimetic Scheme for Finite Difference Modeling of Acoustic Reflection,
F. Solano-Feo, J. M. Guevara-Jordán, O. Rojas1, C. González-Ramírez, B. Otero, and R. Rodríguez
Tight Oil from Transition Zones in Mature Reservoirs,
Byron Solarte and Roger Slatt
Shale Gas Accumulation Conditions of the Mesozoic Formations in Kuqa Depression, Tarim Basin,
Xu Song, Xiuxiang Lu, and Yunqi Shen
A New Model to Identify the Pore Types for Oil Based Mud Profile in Complex Carbonate Reservoirs: Jurassic Formation, Bellota Field, Mexico,
Rodolfo Soto, David Soto, Duarry Arteaga, and Oliver Pasquel
A Universal Equation to Calculate Shale Volume for Shaly-Sands and Carbonate Reservoirs,
David Soto, Rodolfo Soto, Oliver Pasquel, Duarry Arteaga, and Johathan Soto
A New Reservoir Classification Based on Pore Types Improves Characterization–Part B,
Johathan Soto, David Soto, and Rodolfo Soto
Demystifying Presalt Carbonates (Offshore Brazil): Multi Scale Analysis of Heterogeneous Reservoirs,
Guilherme Sowek, Hugo Matias, Beatriz Ninci, Jose Garcia, and Jack Dessay
Application of the dc Resistivity
to Landslide Study Case Study: RATESTI Church Area,
Rasvan Stochici and Constantin Diacopolos
Surveys in Inaccessible Geodynamic Active Places from the Curvature of the Oriental Carpathians,
Rasvan Stochici and Marian Popescu
From Geophysics to Petroleum Systems within Geological Frame of Romania,
Elena-Rodica Stoica-Negulescu
3D Seismic Characterization and Petroleum Significance of Shallow Faults on the Shijiutuo Uplift, Bohai Bay Basin, China,
Zhongheng Sun, Huayao Zou, and Fang Hao
Using 2-D Seismic Data to Determine the Role of Bedrock Structures in the Location and Nature of the Oil Traps in Onshore Oil Field, Northern Nile Delta,
Elhamy Tarabees and Salah Shebl
Lessons Learned from Modeling a Mature Carbonate Field: Rock Typing and Facies Distribution of the Miocene Syn-Rift Oil Bearing Carbonate Reservoirs, Analogue for Calibration for 3D Static Model Building, Zeit Bay Field, Gulf of Suez, Egypt,
Basem Tawfik, Mohamed Darwish, Farouk Sayed, Khaled Hawa, and Mohamed Fares
3-D Prestack Waveform Inversion–A Real Data Example,
Josiane Pafeng Tchuindjang, Subhashis Mallick, and Hema Sharma
Identification of Petroleum Productive Low Temperature Hydrothermal Dolomite Reservoirs: Difficulties and Challenges Identifying and Finding,
Steven Tedesco
Utilizing Aeromagnetics and Micromagnetics to Define Petroleum Reservoirs in the Denver, Forest City and Cherokee Basins,
Steven Tedesco
NMR T2 Cut-Off Determination for Shales,
Nadia Testamanti, Reza Rezaee, and Ali Saeedi
Multi-Source Data Integration: Eagle Ford Shale Sweet Spot Mapping (Part 1),
Beau Tinnin, Hector Bello, and Matthew McChesney
Multi-Source Data Integration: Eagle Ford Shale Sweet Spot Mapping (Part 2),
Beau Tinnin, Hector Bello, and Matthew McChesney
Role of Climate and Rifting in Sedimentation and Hydrocarbon Potential of the Onshore Lake Edward-George Basin, Albertine Graben, Uganda,
Wilson Tumushabe
A New Approach to Salt and Methane Generation,
Z. Unger and D. LeClair
Monitoring and Characterization Based Upon Geophysical Onset Times,
Don Vasco
Reservoir Properties and 3D Geological Modeling of Carbonates Deposits: Outcrop Analogue Study in Morro Do
Chaves Formation, Sergipe-Alagoas Basin,
Antônio Jorge Vasconcellos Garcia, Gustavo Gonçalves Garcia, Márcio Vinicius Santana Dantas, Samuel Alécio Silva Tavares Figueiredo, Karen Ariadne Leite Santos, Thaylane Marina Souza Melo, and Larissa Lima da Rocha
Defining the 3D Unconformity Architecture and the Seismic Characterization of a Complex Reservoir from a Simultaneous-Stochastic Inversion: Case Study in the llanos Basin, Colombia,
Antonio Velasquez, Horacio Acevedo, and Roxana Varga
Lithostatic-Load Effects in Geologically Constrained Model Building for Foothills
Anisotropic Seismic Imaging,
Rob W Vestrum, Greg Cameron, Dennis Ellison, and Zoë Vestrum
Tectonic and Climatic Controls on Facies Distribution in the Jurassic Walloon Coal Measures, Surat Basin, Australia,
Carmine Wainman and Peter McCabe
Faults and Hydrocarbons Distribution in the Dongying Sag, East China–Evidence from Structural Interpretation and Multifractal Geometry,
Pengfei Wang
Refined Petroleum Systems Characterization and Application to New Play Assessment: A Case Study of Raoyang Sag, Bohai Bay Basin, China,
Hao Wang, Feiyu Wang, Renzhi Zhou, and Yulei Shi
The Genetic Mechanism of Lower Cretaceous Red Beds in North Yellow Sea Basin,
Ren Wang and Wanzhong Shi
New High-Resolution Geodynamic and Landscape Evolution Models for Africa from the Permian to the Present Day,
Henry Wareham, Laura Hagan, Laura Duthie, Amanda Galsworthy, Tom Wiggins, James Martin, Abigail Redmile, Richard Howe, Kate Benny, David Sagi, Dorothea Eue, and Peter Phillips
Preliminary Study on the Pore Characterization of Different Marine Shale Reservoirs Using Low Pressure Adsorption
: A Case Study of the Lower Cambrian and Upper Ordovician-Lower Silurian, Yangtze Area, China,
Sile Wei, Sheng He, and Ping Li
De-Risking Brazil's Deep-Water Equatorial and Eastern Margin: Defining the Petroleum Systems,
Marty Wittstrom, Kazumi Miura, and Bruno Leonel
Multiphase Structural Diagenetic Controls on the Spatial Distribution of Reservoir Properties: A Case Study in an Upper Carboniferous Tight Gas Sandstone Reservoir Analog,
Patrick Wuestefeld, Ulrike Hilse, Christoph Hilgers, and Bastian Koehrer
Prediction and Quantitative Characterization of Porosity for Shale Gas Reservoir,
Zhuang Xu and Wanzhong Shi
Main Controlling Factors and Spatial Distribution Model of Hydrocarbon Accumulation in Buried-Hill Weathering Crust and Bedded Karstification Carbonate Reservoirs, Halahatang Block, Tarim Basin,
Lisha Yang, Hongbin Wang, and Dong Sun
Application of Data Reconstruction Techniques Based on Compressive Sensing in Onshore Acquisition,
Yang Jinglei, Li Weibo, Yu Jianpeng, Jie Mingli, and Yu Minjie
Challenges of Microseismic Data Inversion in Case of Strong Anisotropy,
Sergey Yaskevich, Anton Duchkov, Georgiy Loginov, and Alexandr Serdukov
Rock Physics Study for Shale Gas Formation Characterization in China,
Gang Yu and Yusheng Zhang
High TOC Shale Core Samples Complex Resistivity Measurement and Its Applications,
Gang Yu, Wenbao Hu, and Zhanxiang He
Prestack Seismic Data Inversion for Shale Gas Reservoir Characterization in China,
Gang Yu and Yusheng Zhang
Five Kilometers of Paleozoic Sediments Beneath the Pre-Salt of Santos Basin,
Pedro Victor Zalán
Intrabasinal and Extrabasinal Turbidites: Origin and Distinctive Characteristics,
Carlos Zavala, Mariano Arcuri, Mariano Di Meglio, and Agustin Zorzano
Prodelta Hyperpycnites: Facies, Processes and Reservoir Significance–Examples from the Lower Cretaceous of Russia,
Carlos Zavala, Mariano Arcuri, Mariano Di Meglio, Agustin Zorzano, Victor Hugo Goitia Antezana, and Luis Roberto Arnez Espinosa
Ground Roll Noise Attenuation Using the Analytical Mode Decomposition,
Ahmed Zegadi, Khalil Kheir-eddine, and Leila Naili Douaouda
Predicting Thin Dolomitized Gas Reservoirs by Integrating Outcrop, Core, Wireline Log and 3D Seismic Data in Permian-Triassic Sichuan Basin, China,
Hongliu Zeng, Xavier Janson, Anjiang Shen, Zhanfeng Qiao, Jianfeng Zheng, and Bob Loucks
Genesis of Pre-Salt Lacustrine Microbialite Reservoir of Lower Cretaceous Barra Velha Formation in L Block, Santos Basin, Brazil,
Jie Zhang
The Tectonic Evolution of Two Buried Hill Structures and Their Reservoir Potential in Liaodong Bay,
Chen Zhang
Sedimentary Characteristics and Chronostratigraphy of Upper Miocene to Pliocene in Offshore Rakhine Basin, Bay of Bengal,
Jie Zhang
Influential Factors on Rock Density of Typical Shale Gas Reservoirs,
Zibin Zhao and Dujie Hou
Hybrid Domain Parallel Algorithm for 3d Kirchhoff Prestack Depth Migration,
Changhai Zhao, Jianlei Zhang, Guoan Luo, Quanshun Cui, and Chengxiang Wang
Petroleum System: From Conventional to Unconventional,
Jingzhou Zhao, Qing Cao, Yubin Bai, Jun Li, Chuang Er, and Weitao Wu
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