Chemostratigraphy as a tool for building a relative time framework
Historically, oil and gas production in Oklahoma has been concentrated in the Anadarko and Ardmore basins. This study focuses on the prolific Mississippian siliciclastic system (Sycamore Fm.) in the Arbuckles mountains and the South-Central Oklahoma Oil Province (SCOOP) play, located in the Anadarko and Ardmore basins. This study aims to create a chronostratigraphic model for building a robust sequence stratigraphic framework for the Sycamore formation. The amount and type of calcite control the reservoir quality in the Mississippian siliciclastic system. In general, lithofacies without blocky calcareous cement have higher porosity than lithofacies with blocky calcite cement. This diagenetic cement could be related to global and local changes of sea level. However, the lack of geochronological controls in the Mississippian strata has prevented the establishment of a relationship between the occurrence of the calcite cement and geological events. This study aims to build a relative chronostratigraphic framework using chemostratigraphy. The isotopic information from sections in both, the Arbuckles mountains and the SCOOP play, will be correlated to global-wide carbon fluctuation events. Then, abrupt changes in the elemental composition will be related to changes in depositional conditions (e.g. U, Mo, V), sediment source (e.g. Ti/Al or Ti/Zr), and diagenesis (e.g. Sr/Ca). Finally, the aforementioned changes are going to be correlated with major global geological events, allowing the construction of a relative chronostratigraphic framework and the determination of zones with higher reservoir quality.
AAPG Datapages/Search and Discovery Article #90351 © 2019 AAPG Foundation 2019 Grants-in-Aid Projects