--> Log Sampling Scales: How Ultra-High Resolution Logs Highlight the Intricacies of the Marcellus and Upper Devonian Shales

2019 AAPG Eastern Section Meeting:
Energy from the Heartland

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Log Sampling Scales: How Ultra-High Resolution Logs Highlight the Intricacies of the Marcellus and Upper Devonian Shales


A whole core and comprehensive suite of open hole petrophysical logs were taken in Huntley & Huntley Energy Exploration’s first delineation well in Westmoreland County, PA. The LAS data derived from the cores and logs varies from standard resolution (0.5’), high resolution (0.167’) to ultra-high resolution (0.033’) sampling intervals. Combining the LAS data with raster image logs and CT scans yields unique insights into the level of granularity needed to fully assess the intricacies of the Marcellus and Upper Devonian shales.

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