Development of Quick-Look Maps for CO2-EOR Opportunities in the Appalachian and Michigan Basins
The Midwest Regional Carbon Sequestration Partnership (MRCSP) is currently in the final phases of comprehensive characterization of carbon capture utilization and storage (CCUS) opportunities throughout the ten-state region. Spanning from the offshore Atlantic Coastal Plain through the Appalachian and Michigan basins, this region hosts a diverse assemblage of reservoir types and provides multiple CCUS targets. A key component of this research is the evaluation of opportunities for enhanced oil recovery (EOR) in legacy oil fields via carbon dioxide (CO2) floods. In support of this task, the West Virginia Geological and Economic Survey has developed a set of “quick-look” maps that illustrate state-specific opportunities for CO2-EOR. These maps contain a variety of field-specific data, including CO2 storage capacity, residual oil in place, and oil gravity.
Several data types, most notably reservoir permeability and oil gravity, are significantly under-represented in the dataset. Oil gravity is particularly useful as it is used to calculate minimum miscibility pressure. In this case, methods were developed to help predict values for oil fields in the Appalachian Basin where applicable.
For each of seven MRCSP partner states (NY, PA, WV, KY, OH, IN, MI), a map was developed illustrating the location and reservoir characteristics of key legacy fields, as well as their proximity to major CO2 point sources. This work is designed to be used by any researcher or stakeholder interested in investigating viable CCUS opportunities within the MRCSP region.
AAPG Datapages/Search and Discovery Article #90258 © 2016 AAPG Eastern Section Meeting, Lexington, Kentucky, September 25-27, 2016