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Sedimentological Evaluation From Six Cored Wells for CO2 Geological Storage in the Southwest Ulleung Basin, East Sea


Geological storage of carbon dioxide was identified by assessing various Miocene successions from six cored wells (Gorae 1–2, Gorae 1–1, Gorae V-1, Gorae V-4, DH-1–2P, DH-1–3P-ST) in the Ulleung Basin of East Sea. The work was largely based on the detailed description and sedimentological interpretation of ca. 187 m of core and a total of ca. 985 m of studied wireline log data. Well log interpretation has been facilitated by the detailed calibration with core sedimentology, where available, and its extrapolation into uncored intervals. The cored Miocene successions in this study have been rationalised into 16 lithotypes. They range from rare and poorly constrained distributary channel-fill sandstones and interdistributary bay heterolithics on the lower delta-plain to mouthbar sandbodies and dominantly delta-front sandstones and distal prodelta mudrocks/heterolithics. Where river influence appears to be diminished, more distinctly tidally-influenced sandstones could alternatively be viewed as subtidal channels or tidal bars. In contrast, wave and storm processes seem to have played only a minor role in the studied cores. The Miocene successions were deposited in a pronounced, but typically river-influenced and variably wave and tidally-affected deltaic environment. From core observations, the degree of river influence is mainly inferred from the presence of terrestrially derived carbonaceous debris and suppressed/restricted trace fossil assemblages with some of the mud laminae potentially viewed as river-sourced fluid muds. To review a potential for the carbon storage, we carried out the sedimentologically driven evaluation of various prospects in the Ulleung Basin by developing a robust and state-of-the-art depositional model.