Predicting Fractured Carbonate Reservoir Characteristic in Tiaka Field, Sulawesi, Indonesia
Fractured carbonate reservoir in Tiaka Field is dominated by tight shallow-water bioclastic platform limestones. Tomori Formation which is the main resevoir objective in this field, is controlled by low angle thrust fault as its structural trap. This field has 13 wells with 2 of them are sidetracks, but not all of them have good hydrocarbon production. In order to optimize the production of hydrocarbon, quantitative prediction of spatial and statistical properties of natural fractures are needed to give precise and wide prediction of fracture characteristic. Elastic Dislocation (ED) method as a former mechanical method, modells the characteristic of fractures by using the geometry and displacement from seismic interpretation to estimate the total geological strain in area of interest. Through this method, it is possible to do forward modelling, to mapping the distribution and prediction of fractures orientation, fracure density, and fracture mode (shear or tensile). In another hand, critical stressed fracture analysis give contribution to determine the type of the fractures, whether they are natural open fractures or closed fractures. Qualitatively, fracture distribution analysis has been done before by doing interpretation from core, log, thin sectionn, and well test data. Interpretation from image log in Well 7ST2A shows the information of fractures type and indicates that dominant orientation is to the NW-SE, with the average of fracture dip is 30°–40° toward southwest.
AAPG Datapages/Search and Discovery Article #90217 © 2015 International Conference & Exhibition, Melbourne, Australia, September 13-16, 2015