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Geological Application for the New Fault Response Modelling Module in Move


When a fault slips, subsequent displacement, strain and stress can be analytically calculated using elastic dislocation theory. An analytical solution for triangular dislocation will shortly be implemented in Move in the form of the easy-to-use Fault Response Modelling graphical user interface. Fault Response Modelling, combined with the structural modelling and restoration functions of Move, will offer unparalleled insights into the effects of faulting across different time intervals and has many potential applications in earthquake-induced displacement and stress modelling, hydrocarbon exploration and the mining industry. This range of possible applications will be demonstrated by applying new workflows to four different case studies. In the first case study, Fault Response Modelling will be used to model displacements and stress changes that followed the 2008 Nura earthquake in Kyrgyzstan (Teshebaeva et al., 2014). The second and third case studies will demonstrate how fault-related fracturing modelled with the Fault Response Modelling tool can be used to reduce risk in the hydrocarbon and mining industries. In the second case study, the tool will be used to investigate the distribution of gold deposits around the Carlin fault system in northeastern Nevada, USA (Micklethwaite, 2011), and how these correlate with modelled fracture intensity. In the third case study, fault-related fractures predicted using Fault Response Modelling in the La Concepción oil field in the Maracaibo basin of Venezuela will be used to generate a discrete fracture network (DFN). The fourth case study will illustrate the potential of Fault Response Modelling as a geomechanical validation tool by comparing the displacements predicted following slip on a listric normal fault with observed hanging-wall geometries. Micklethwaite, S. (2011). Fault-induced damage controlling the formation of Carlin-type ore deposits. DEStech Publications, Inc. Teshebaeva, K., Sudhaus, H., Echtler, H., Schurr, B., & Roessner, S. (2014). Strain partitioning at the eastern Pamir-Alai revealed through SAR data analysis of the 2008 Nura earthquake. Geophysical Journal International, ggu158. Petrobras Energia Venezuela are acknowledged for providing data.