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Seismic Expression in Edge Enhancing Attribute to Resolve the Major Strike-Slip, Morris Fault Zone in Sumandak Cluster Field, Sabah Offshore Basin


Sabah Offshore basin was formed during middle to late Miocene time concurrently with the opening of South China Sea. Related tectonic movement occurred both extensionally and compressionally and their features are associated with major fault system. Morris fault is one of the major left lateral strike slip fault running in north-south direction which change to north-east direction in the northern part having hydrocarbon accumulating along the fault. Morris fault is associated with antithetic and synthetic fault system at shallow level. The fault pattern as well as the angle of plane changed with depth. It revealed the deformation of the area in NW-SW trending direction down to the basin followed by wrench induced features at the end of Miocene. Sumandak Cluster field is producing oil and gas in offshore Sabah with stratigraphic trapping type accumulation as a buried hill structure (remnant erosional structure) below transgressive marine shale of Intra IVC Uncomformity. It was initially understood that hydrocarbon accumulation of the field was not affected by the Morris fault. However, Sumandak Tepi discovery pointed out the accumulation is reflecting with Morris fault in term of trapping as well as migration from below and along the fault. Detail studies on Morris fault and its associated antithetic and synthetic faults were done in 2014 PSDM seismic data. It indicated all the cluster field of Sumandak had some relationship with the fault system of Morris. Expression of the Morris fault at different geological time are extracted from edge enhancing seismic cubes in this study