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Evolution of Turbidite Deposits on Basin Floor and Link to Shelf Margin Processes: Washakie Basin, Wyoming

Woong Mo Koo
Department of Geological Sciences / Sedimentology, The University of Texas at Austin, Austin, TX, USA
[email protected]


The turbidite successions have been studied actively as oil and gas discoveries from deep-water reservoirs has increased. However, the linkage between architectures of turbidite deposits and their coeval shelf margin processes has not been analyzed in depth. I hypothesize that significant volumes of reservoir turbidites are deposited as amalgamated channel-levee systems and as lobes when river-dominated deltas reach their shelf-edge. Poorly developed mixed sandy-muddy turbidites or no reservoir turbidites are deposited when deltas fail to reach the shelf-edge or when wave- and tide-dominated deltas attain a shelf-edge position. To test the hypothesis, the architectures and morphologies of Maastrichitian turbidite deposits of Washakie Basin, Wyoming will be documented by using a combination of outcrops, cores, and wireline logs. The construction of a 3-D depositional facies model of turbidite evolution through time, and linkage to shelf margin processes will enhance our capability of predicting favorable oil and gas reservoirs in ancient deep-water environments.

AAPG Search and Discovery Article #90199 © 2014 AAPG Foundation 2014 Grants-in-Aid Projects