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Petroleum Potential of the Territories With Areas of Abnormal Structure of the Bazhenov Formation in a Number of Areas of West Siberia


Due to the decreasing of oil reserves in the most fields researchers are increasingly attracted to complex types of collectors, among which in the West Siberian OGB is the Bazhenov Formation. Despite the apparent scrutiny, Bazhenov formation remains unknown object, for geologists and petroleum engineers. It is necessary to introduce new innovative technologies for its exploration and development. New technologies for the development of Bazhenov deposits could radically solve the problem of oil production in existing and newly drilled oil fields of Western Siberia. However, such technologies for «Bazhenov oil» don't still exist. The most interesting in oil and gas geology are the so-called anomalous cuts (AC) of Bazhenov formation. By AC understood such cuts, where ordinary for all West Siberia pack of dark-colored bituminous shales in some areas is divided to sandstones, siltstones, shales, or disappear. In the area of Surgut anticlinal fold such cuts are allocated within Konitlorskaya (well 191), Zapadno-Perevalinaya (well 11a), Yaunlorskaya (well 700), Fedorovskaya (wells 69, 3822), Tyanskaya (well 101 Muryaunskaya), Yuryevskaya (well 103), Tonchinskaya (well 200), Bystrinskaya (wells 35, 131, 135) and a number of other fields. In time cross sections the reflected signal of Bazhenov Formation generally has a high-amplitude, three-cycle reflection form. It is stable, well traceable to the area and easily recognizable on the stacked seismic data. In the areas of AC Bazhenov and Achimov formation in the corresponding interval we can see another situation: wave pattern is not stable, the amplitude decreases. It is often observed an unsustainable location of reflection extremes and loss of continuous correlation. Knowledge of the genesis of the anomalous cuts of the Bazhenov Formation will allow stating effective exploration works and evaluating hydrocarbon reserves in the deposits of this type easily. Using of modern techniques of seismic surveys in conjunction with the latest technologies of data interpretation can get a new material that allows to significantly refine the geological structure of complicated objects of Bazhenov Formation AC. Currently, seismic surveys are used to distinguish different types of abnormal deposits of the section of the Bazhenov Formation, plot on them and predict the searching of hydrocarbon formations with the distribution areas of AR in both sand and silt deposits of the Bazhenov Formation (layer U0k). The same situation in overlaying rocks (Achimovskaya formation). The AC area of the Bazhenov Formation is a distinctive feature of the searching for the detection of hydrocarbon deposits in the formation U0k and Achimov formations. “Abnormal” sandy pockets in some areas of the Surgut anticlinal fold contain deposits of oil and gas, indexed as U0k and U0-ach. Permeable streaks fractured intervals of Bazhenov deposits are allocated to the formation U0, which contains deposits of oil within Tevlinsko-Russkinsky, Fedorovsky, Tonchinskogy, Kamynskogy, Vachimskogy, Konitlorskaya and Ai-Pimskaja oil and gas fields.