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Petroleum Systems in Mexico


Based in regional studies of petroleum systems in the different basins of Mexico and understanding of the plate tectonic history of the Gulf of Mexico during the Late Jurassic is crucial in extending our knowledge of the elements of petroleum systems (source, reservoir, seal and trap) distribution into onshore and offshore areas. The geochemical data allowed identified the variation of the source rocks, the quality and maturation history around the Gulf of Mexico in the associated basins as Chihuahua, Sabinas-Burgos, Tampico Misantla, Veracruz, Southeast (Saline, Comalcalco and Macuspana) basin and deepwater areas. The distribution of source rocks in the geological record in Mexico allowed distinguish seven source rocks that conformed petroleum systems closed and open, this latter are the most important because charge of hydrocarbons to different levels stratigraphic. These source rocks are: Early Jurassic, Oxfordian, Tithonian, Early-Middle Cretaceous, Turonian, Eocene, and Miocene. In general in Mexico we distinguish the petroleum system : *Early Jurassic- Early Jurassic (in Tampico Misantla Basin) *Oxfordian-Oxfordian (Tampico Misantla and Southeast Basin (marine portion)) *Tithonian-Kimmeridgian/Tithonian/Cretaceous/Eocene/Oligocene/Miocene/Pliocene (Burgos-Sabinas, Tampico Misantla/Veracruz/Southest basin and deepwater áreas) *Early-Middle Cretaceous- Middle/Upper Cretaceous (Veracuz, Southeast basin and Chiapas foothills) *Turonian-Turonian (Burgos-Sabinas, Tampico Misantla and Veracruz Basin) *Eocene-Eocene/Oligocene (Burgos Basin) *Early Miocene-Miocene (Veracruz and Macuspana Basin)