Geodynamic Framework and Petroleum Potential of the Cap Bon- Gulf of Hammamet Province –Tunisia
Subsurface analysis of the Cap Bon-Gulf of Hammamet province CGP of Tunisia, based on well logs, seismic data and outcrops reveals the dynamic basin evolution and portrays its hydrocarbon accumulation. Thousands of kilometers of seismic profiles, dozens of well logs as well as gravity measurements together with surface geology were fully examined and integrated in depth. Seismic-based mapping of Key-horizons of specific sequences illustrate the partition of the dynamic sedimentation all over the strike-slip faulted basins. Selected time slices spanning upper Cretaceous to Tertiary illustrate the spatial environmental and depositional differentiation and allow retracing its geodynamic evolution and its integration into the Mediterranean dynamic evolution. 3D analyses indicate episodes of major regional change in paleogeographic and tectonic setting. These occurred in the late Maastrichtian to lower Paleocene, middle to late Eocene, late Oligocene, early Middle Miocene, late Miocene and late Pliocene to Villafranchian. Episodes are probably induced by the relative motions of the African and Eurasian plates. Plate motions induced discrete steps in the regional kinematics and geodynamics that governed the palaeogeographic evolution of the CGP. Several of oil and gas fields have been discovered; a great number are accumulated in the Middle Miocene Birsa formation sands: Tazarka, Birsa, Oudna, Baraka fields. Other hydrocarbon reservoirs were recognized. These are drawn by: the Maamoura field in the Langhian Ain Grab Formation and the Senonian Fractured chalky limestone, the Yasmin oil field producing from the Langhian Ain Grab Formation, the Halk El Menzel oil field reservoired in the Oligocene limestones, the Belli oil field in the intensively fractured Ypresian Bou Dabbous carbonate formation, the Zinia and the Dougga fields reservoired in the Campanian–Maastrichtian chalky limestone of the Abiod Formation, the Lotus gas field accumulation in the Cretaceous Serdj Formation, the most ancient Cap Bon gas field producing from the Hauterivian-Valanginian M'cherga Formation sands, etc. The paper intends a regional review of the area through a comprehensive and consistent interpretation and modeling. It illustrates that significant exploration potential still exists in the studied province with quite some sizeable undrilled structures. The dominant play remains within the Neogene. The study is directed toward unraveling and understanding the Complexity of the CGP.
AAPG Datapages/Search and Discovery Article #90194 © 2014 International Conference & Exhibition, Istanbul, Turkey, September 14-17, 2014