Speculative Petroleum System Analysis in the Nigerian Sector of the Chad basin: Implications of Hydrocarbon Generation, Migration and Accumulation Scenarios.
The Nigerian National Petroleum Corporation (NNPC) has drilled about 23 wells within the Nigerian Sector of the Chad basin but so far no success could be achieved. The lack of knowledge on the petroleum system in this part of the basin might have been the cause for the unsuccessful result. With the recent discoveries of commercial hydrocarbons in the adjacent blocks of Chad Basin such in Chad and Niger Republic respectively, it is felt necessary to re-evaluate the Nigerian sector of the Chad basin. This present study employed the use of 2-D petroleum system modelling in 2 scenarios. In scenario I, the 2-D model suggest that hydrocarbons have been generated and migrated from Fika and Gongila but there is no accumulation due to the lack of adequate reservoir and proper sealing capacity on top of the Fika shale. The Gombe Sandstone, which is the major reservoir in Chad Basin is absent in all the 23 drilled wells. A speculative petroleum system using lower palaeozoic source rock is made in scenario II. The speculative petroleum system reveals the presence of petroleum system within the Nigerian Sector of the Chad basin. This model shows hydrocarbon accumulation of Oil and Gas within the unexplored Devonian-Carboniferous (U2) reservoir
AAPG Datapages/Search and Discovery Article #90194 © 2014 International Conference & Exhibition, Istanbul, Turkey, September 14-17, 2014