Well Performance Prediction and Analysis for Liquid-rich Shales
Ian C. Walton
Energy and Geoscience Institute - University of Utah
In previous work undertaken at EGI we developed a semi-analytic production analysis technique for gas shales. The analysis is based on the dual porosity/dual permeability formulation for flow in reservoirs that contain a complex fracture network. The analysis has provided many insights into the production drivers, leading to better characterization of the production process than can be readily obtained using numerical reservoir simulations. A key finding of this investigation was that three stages of the production regime may be readily identified:
- Early-time stage in which the production rate is heavily influenced by the drawdown characteristics.
- Intermediate stage similar to “classic” transient linear flow into fractures.
- Late time regime in which fractures begin to compete for production.
Each stage has a characteristic signature on an appropriate plot of the data. Analysis of the intermediate stage provides insights into the role of the natural fractures and enables a new production metric to be identified. The new technique has been used to analyze production data from many wells across many shale plays and to make a better prediction of the EUR.
Here we describe an extension of these semi-analytic techniques to shale liquids production, leading to appropriate extensions of the stages 1-3 listed above. Preliminary analysis of data from liquids-rich shale plays suggests similar production characteristics, though made more complicated by the potential for phase changes within the reservoir or in the fractures; in this respect the GOR is found to play a critical role. Emergence of two-phase flow leads to a reduction in relative permeability and a concomitant reduction in production rate. The impact of the rate at which wells are brought on production, linked to the variation in bottom hole and near-fracture pressures, may be key in maximizing liquids (as opposed to gas) production.
In analyzing production data we can often identify the equivalent of Stage 1 followed by a short period of linear flow, which seems to modify when the GOR begins to increase into a period of steeper decline (quite distinct from the exponential decline associated with boundary-dominated flow). Interpretation of this effect is a key element in the analysis and it will likely have a profound impact on long-term recovery.
AAPG Search and Discovery Article #90186 © AAPG Geoscience Technology Workshop, Hydrocarbon Charge Considerations in Liquid-Rich Unconventional Petroleum Systems, November 5, 2013, Vancouver, BC, Canada