Geodynamics of the Ukrainian Carpathian Accretion Prism during the Tertiary Period
Mykhaylo Nakapelyukh
Institute of Geophysics NAS of Ukraine,
Kyiv, Ukraine
[email protected]
This study concerns the geodynamics of the accretion prism of the Ukrainian Carpathians – one of the oldest petroleum provinces around the world. The shallow petroleum deposits are already discovered. For further prospecting the knowledge of the deep structure is essential.
Area studies lies the Ukrainian Carpathians and includes Inner zone of the Carpathian foredeep and Skyba nappe of the Outer Ukrainian Carpathians. Time lapse studies of Cretaceous to Neogene.
During the first phase of the investigation the database was created. It includes data on the stratigraphy of the region, the composition and age of all stratigraphic units, mechanical stratigraphy data, various physical surfaces etc. Another important element is the study of mesostructures – joints, slickensides, folds, clastic dikes and their implementation in a regional model. Combination analysis of joints and slickensides gives a more complete history of deformation in the study area. Creation of the balanced cross-sections is carried out by using program Move. For construction of the geodynamic model field data, geological maps and sections of different scales, digital elevation model SRTM90, data wells, seismic profiles were used. Different algorithms for moving layers used: Fold-Parallel-Flow by faults, and in the restoration of folded structures - Simple Shear and Flexural Slip. Creation of balanced cross-section made on scale of outcrop to regional one. Detailed mapping of outcrops in scale 1:200 allows choosing algorithms for reconstruction and forward modeling that best suits their situation. These characteristics are used as constraints in the construction of cross-sections in regional scale.
AAPG Search and Discovery Article #90183©2013 AAPG Foundation 2013 Grants-in-Aid Projects