Shale-Gas Hydrofracking and Groundwater
Chris Cantin and Lauren Hudson
Midwestern State University
Sophisticated techniques forcing artificial fracture permeability into thick, otherwise impermeable but hydrocarbon-rich shale formations along horizontally drilled wellbores has opened the eyes of the world to huge, previously neglected energy resources in the form of shale-gas. Exploitation of shale-gas has grown sharply in the US in the last decade and concern over its responsible recovery is increasing. This case study explores fracking methods, geological controls, and the new challenges to groundwater management and environmental legislation presented by the hydraulic fracturing process. Two important shale-gas formations with different overlying groundwater systems and local population distributions provide a look at the variety of issues involved: the Barnett Shale in North Central Texas, and the Marcellus Shale in the Northeastern US.
AAPG Search and Discovery Article #90164©2013 AAPG Southwest Section Meeting, Fredericksburg, Texas, April 6-10, 2013