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Pressure Coring “New Tools for New Challenges” Synopsis

Matt Bjorum

Pressure coring is the coring process to collect and store all liquids, gases to be tripped to surface under pressure for further analysis. Several advancements in the technology have taken place recently to aide in the commercialization of the service. It is important to have obtainable deliverables that contribute to the evaluation and development of hydrocarbon resources through accurate measurements.

Recent advance in technology include legacy tools and new solutions such as a new style valve that eliminates downhole valve failure and reduces pressure to 500PSI, insuring safer surface handling.

The main objective of all coring programs is to collect pristine core samples in order to aid a laboratory based analytical program. While Shale Gas analyses include a range of processes, the focus will be on Shale Gas content analysis.

There are several approaches to obtaining total gas content numbers, but Corpro has come to the conclusion that pressure coring gives the highest quality of data since there is no lost gas measurements attributed to the coring method. The gas can be collected and analyzed for gas composition and isotope geochemistry that provide the genetic origin of natural gas and its thermal maturity.

A sampling strategy is developed to collect a series of samples from both the wireline core and pressure core interval. The configuration, assembly, coring activity and tool operation will be discussed and explained for Corpro’s QuickCapture and Wireline. This detailed and informative presentation will help explain why pressure drilling using this new technology will change the industry.

The presentation will conclude with experience history and a recent case study.


AAPG Search and Discovery Article #90164©2013 AAPG Southwest Section Meeting, Fredericksburg, Texas, April 6-10, 2013