Reservoir Compartmentalization of the Rose Run Sandstone (Upper Cambrian) in Eastern Ohio
Mihir Pradip Shah and James E. Evans
Department of Geology,
Bowling Green State University,
Bowling Green, Ohio, 43403 United States
[email protected]
This study is focused on the sedimentology, stratigraphy, and architecture of the Rose Run Sandstone (RRS) in eastern Ohio. This unit is a potential petroleum reservoir and has been recently considered as a potential reservoir for CO2 sequestration.
The goal is to evaluate reservoir compartmentalization in the RRS on various scales. To understand compartmentalization at field scale, a geophysical log model will be utilized to make Isopach, Sand-Isolith and Structure contour maps from around 25 wells located in eastern Ohio. Geophysical log modeling will help bring out trapping mechanisms, depositional trends, facies distribution, and geometry of individual sand units within the RRS in the study area. Small-scale compartmentalization will be evaluated by carrying out microfacies analysis from thin sections to understand heterogeneity of the RRS by investigating their textural, mineralogical and diagenetic history. Cathodoluminescence will be used to identify cement types. Thin section study will also involve porosity estimation and mineral composition using point counting method.
Preliminary results from 4 cores suggest micro-scale compartmentalization in the RRS is controlled by variation in dolomite cements and by clay content, which influences porosity and permeability. Interlaminated clay/mud baffles are common small-scale features. Textural and mineralogical variability caused by different grain size may influence reservoir quality. Presence of Herring bone cross-stratification indicates tidal influence in deposition of RRS.
AAPG Search and Discovery Article #90157©2012 AAPG Foundation 2012 Grants-in-Aid Projects