Evaluating and Predicting Subsidence from Abandoned Underground Mines in Ohio
James McDonald
Ohio Department of Natural Resources, Division of Geological Survey,
[email protected]
The Ohio Department of Natural Resources (ODNR) Division of Geological Survey (the Survey) has been responsible for mapping the locations of abandoned underground mines since 1977. The mapping process involves creating and managing a GIS of the abandoned underground mines in Ohio. Recently, as part of a project funded by the Ohio Mine Subsidence Insurance Underwriting Association (OMSIUA), a custom GIS application has been developed that allows Survey staff geologists to quickly gather geologic data on file at the Survey relevant to a subsidence claim. Once the information has been gathered into the GIS, the geologist writes a report summarizing the data and noting critical information. The claim report is submitted to a consulting engineering company assigned to the claim for further evaluation, site inspection, and potential remediation. The GIS software application provides easy access to digital geologic information for insurance claim processing and potential property remediation.
The costs of mine subsidence appear to be rising over time, as abandoned underground mines age and deteriorate and further development occurs across the Ohio landscape. The next step is to assist the OMSIUA in attempting to predict and quantify mine subsidence costs. Variables to be analyzed for predicting mine subsidence include age of the mine, type of mining (i.e., room and pillar vs. long-wall mining), depth to the mine, amount unconsolidated overburden, roof rock lithology, and population trends. Such assistance will allow the OMSIUA Board to better manage mine-subsidence insurance rates.
AAPG Search and Discovery Article #90154©2012 AAPG Eastern Section Meeting, Cleveland, Ohio, 22-26 September 2012