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Hydrogeological Characterization of Maradi Previous HitFaultNext Hit Zone in Oman

Al-Kalbani, Samira H.*1
(1) earth science, SQU, Muscat, Oman.

Maradi Previous HitFaultNext Hit Zone (MFZ) is a major structural feature of north and central Oman. With the increase in the petroleum and hydrogeological exploration and production in the PDO concession area especially in the areas with proximitiy to MFZ, concerns were raised regarding the potential of the Previous HitfaultNext Hit to act as a preferential source of fluid recharge in the aquifers and formations cut by the Previous HitfaultNext Hit or to act as a seal to fluid flow.

As a result of these concerns, a detailed investigation was performed to determine the hydogeologic character of the Previous HitfaultNext Hit. Geological and geophysical techniques were employed firstly to locate the Previous HitfaultNext Hit as obtained from litratures of geological mapping and 3D seismic survey on the MFZ. Geophysical logs also were obtained from the wells close to the Previous HitfaultNext Hit and used to assess the geometry of the formations cut by the Previous HitfaultNext Hit. Moreover, a detailed description of the aquifers cut by the Previous HitfaultNext Hit was done by analysing the pumping test and grain size distribution to calculate the hydraulic parameters of the aquifers. In addition, Static Water Levels were used as a comparable factor between selected wells across the MFZ.

The results of the investigation indicate that Maradi Previous HitFaultNext Hit Zone can act as barrier or condiut to fluid flow, regarding to the differences in water elevations, geometry of the aquifers cut by the Previous HitfaultNext Hit, nature of the fractures associated with the Previous HitfaultTop movement and the previously established models on MFZ in the petroleum sector.


AAPG Search and Discovery Article #90141©2012, GEO-2012, 10th Middle East Geosciences Conference and Exhibition, 4-7 March 2012, Manama, Bahrain