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A Probabilistic Description of Offshore Louisiana Reservoirs for Marine Controlled-Source Electromagnetics

Brian Gueho
University of Louisiana at Lafayette, Geology Department Lafayette, LA
[email protected]

The creation of probability density functions (pdfs) to describe offshore Louisiana reservoir attributes allows for the generation of statistically defined synthetic reservoirs. These reservoirs can be used to determine a quantitative understanding of the response associated with three-dimensional controlled-source electromagnetic modeling, which will streamline the modeling process. The basic attributes needed to effectively define reservoirs are electrical properties, three-dimensional geometry, and likelihood of occurrence. Electrical properties use well log resistivity measurements to establish reservoir and host (non-reservoir) values. The complexity of three-dimensional geometry requires the combination of numerous physical measurements for a complete reservoir description. However, faulting and depositional environment establish basic reservoir framework, permitting a prototype ellipsoidal reservoir classification system to fully define the varying geometries. The likelihood of reservoir occurrence can be determined by comparing the sum of the areas of all reservoirs and total study area. The input of the measured attribute values into a kernel density estimator generated pdfs. These resultants showed that the reservoir attributes are clearly defined and contain multi- or unimodal, normal-like distributions. These pdfs are specifically tailored for the given study area; therefore the generation of new functions will be needed for additional areas.


AAPG Search and Discovery Article #90094 © 2009 AAPG Foundation Grants in Aid