--> Abstract: Unraveling the Eocene Deepwater Turbidite Setting Through Integrated G&G Studies — From Example from Central North Sea, UK, by Min Hoe Liau, Kester Waters, Howard D. Johnson, and Christopher A. Jackson; #90082 (2008)

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Unraveling the Eocene Deepwater Turbidite Setting Through Integrated G&G Studies — From Example from Central North Sea, UK

Min Hoe Liau1, Kester Waters2, Howard D. Johnson3, and Christopher A. Jackson3
1Reservoir Geoscience Department, Petronas Carigali Sdn. Bhd., Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
2Ikon Science Ltd., Teddington, United Kingdom
3Department of Earth Science and Engineering, Imperial College London, London, United Kingdom

The study was focused on the Sheryl field located in Block 21/23a, Central North Sea, UK. This field was discovered in the Eocene Tay deepwater turbidite reservoir. A robust conceptual geological model was constructed via an integrated approach of utilising the rock physics forward modelling, seismic attribute and geological data for the purpose of further prospect evaluation.
Rock physics forward modelling was conducted prior to seismic data interpretation to build a geophysical database comprising the analogues of seismic responses under different rock properties and pore fluid contents. This database was used to enhance the accuracy in seismic data interpretation. The results showed that the MuRho (μρ) and LambdaRho (λρ) parameters can be used as a lithology and fluid type indicators respectively. The AVO modelling showed that brine, oil and gas saturated sands are characterised by Class I, Class II to IIp and Class III AVO responses respectively.

The MuRho (μρ) data was used along with the seismic reflectivity data to minimise the uncertainty in mapping the top and base of the reservoir, which will enhance the accuracy of the horizon based attribute calculations. In addition, the MuRho (μρ) data was used as a tool to indicate the sand distribution in 3D space, in order to guide the well log correlations. The understanding on the palaeo-geological setting was used in prospect maturation process.

AAPG International Conference and Exhibition, Cape Town, South Africa 2008 © AAPG Search and Discovery

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