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Small Fields Modelling from Satellite Image to Subsurface: Reducing the Uncertainty on the Position of a Field-Bounding Previous HitFaultNext Hit

Madelon Nijman*, Sami Al Nofli, and Karl-Heinz Zelt
*[email protected]

This field in South Oman was studied in PDO by an integrated team using a multi-disciplinary approach. The modelling effort focussed on capturing the main uncertainties and assessing the impact on the field development. For the field, one of the main uncertainties was the position of the field-bounding Previous HitfaultNext Hit. The field consists of an half-anticline terminating against a graben Previous HitfaultNext Hit in the north. This graben Previous HitfaultNext Hit is the southern Previous HitfaultNext Hit of a prominent graben. The graben faults are seen on satellite images of the area. The wells start in the graben and drill through the graben Previous HitfaultNext Hit in the overburden. To constrain the location of the graben Previous HitfaultNext Hit, all available data was used to construct a mechanically consistent 3-D Previous HitfaultNext Hit interpretation. The resulting mechanical interpretation was compared to the 3-D seismic interpretation of the Previous HitfaultNext Hit. The seismic interpretation placed the Previous HitfaultNext Hit considerably further south. Seismic imaging of the Previous HitfaultNext Hit was problematic due to the extent of the graben faults all the way to the surface, and strong multiples of the overburden. Multiple 3-D models were created based on both mechanical and seismic interpretations to assess the impact of the Previous HitfaultNext Hit positioning on field size and development planning. The mechanical interpretation has been driving an attempt to drill the field further north than previous wells, which has resulted in a successful well in 2007. This presentation describes the methodology to quantify the uncertainty around the graben Previous HitfaultTop position and the impact of the uncertainty on field development planning.


AAPG Search and Discovery Article #90077©2008 GEO 2008 Middle East Conference and Exhibition, Manama, Bahrain