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History of the Oil and Gas Industry on the Gulf Coast

Ray Govett
Consulting Geologist, Corpus Christi, Texas

Oil has been known and used throughout recorded history, and was known and used on the Gulf Coast of United States before Europeans arrived in the area. Discovery of oil at Spindletop, near Beaumont, increased interest in the industry as new discoveries rapidly followed all along the Gulf Coast. Demand for oil and gas grew as industry and the United States developed, and the oil and gas industry improved methods of exploring for and developing oil and gas fields. Many interesting characters were part of the industry, and some of these invented methods to improve exploration and production. Armed conflict has been known as long as use of oil, and improved industry methods resulted from transfer of some war technology to the industry. Nature was good to the Gulf Coast. Every state bordering it has production of oil and gas, and representation in the Gulf Coast Association of Geological Societies.


AAPG Search and Discover Article #90069©2007 GCAGS 57th Annual Convention, Corpus Christi, Texas