The “Buckyball
Effect”: Framework Grain Stabilization and Secondary Porosity Preservation in
the Cambrian
KunleDare, Mojisola1 (1)
Petrographic studies of the Galesville
sandstone reveal the presence of secondary porosity by framework grain
dissolution that developed during mesodiagenesis. A high percentage of the
pores recognizable as being secondary in origin, chlorite cementation, and tangential
quartz overgrowths occur in close proximity to its contact with the underlying
Eau Claire Formation.
X-Ray diffraction studies of Eau Claire
Formation shales reveal that the < 2µm fraction is dominated by well
crystallized diagenetic 1M illite, with illite crystallinity values of
0.43-0.54 Δ2Θ and intensity ratios of 1.18-1.25. Particulate organic
matter (Type II kerogen) recovered is dark brown to black in color. These
parameters indicate advanced diagenesis and thermal maturity. Thus fluids
derived from clay and organic matter diagenesis in the shales were probably available to the Galesville Sandstone. The
action of these organic acid and aqueous silica-rich fluids probably resulted
in framework grain dissolution, chlorite and quartz cementation in the
Galesville Sandstone.
The tangential quartz overgrowths form a
framework around pores created by framework grain dissolution; this stabilized
the framework, increased mechanical strength and resisted compaction, thus
preserving secondary porosity. This phenomenon of porosity preservation in a
mechanically stable, compaction resistant framework of quartz grains is named
″The Buckyball Effect″ in this study. The results of this study
underscore the importance of primary depositional characteristics, stratigraphy
(proximity to shales) and early cementation as factors in the development and
preservation of secondary porosity; and the importance of understanding
controls on the occurrence and distribution of cements in porosity prediction
and reservoir characterization.
AAPG Search and Discover Article #90063©2007 AAPG Annual Convention, Long Beach, California