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Sequence Stratigraphic Model and Petroleum Accumulation of Jurassic in East Fulkang Slope, Junggar Basin

Z. Qin
University of Petroleum, Dept. of Geoscience, Beijing, P. R. China

Under the guidance of sequence stratigraphy, seismic stratigraphy, logging sedimentology, and advanced petroleum geology theories, this paper integrates the logging core, seismic data, and varieties of analysis and test data in lab to study the Jurassic in East Fukang Slope, Junggar Basin. The Jurassic is divided into six sequences on the basis of recognition of sequence boundary indicators, including scouring surface, unconformities such as downlap, toplap, onlap, and truncation, as well as coal formation and the changing zone of paleobiochemisty. How to determine the location of the first flooding surface and the maximum flooding surface is the key step to define the systems tract. Because a topographic slope break existed in East Fukang Slope when Jurrasic deposited, the location of the first flooding surface can be recognized and the sequence stratigraphic model with slope break can be established in East Fukang Slope.

Through analysis of seismic facies, seven kinds of seismic facies have been identified and finally transformed into proper sedimentary facies based on comprehensive geologic data. The sequence stratigraphic results indicate that there exist good source rock from Fukang depression and good lithologic reservoir due to tens-shaped sand bodies of slump turbidite fan, in the case of available migration of hydrocarbon in East Fukang Slope.

AAPG Search and Discovery Article #90902©2001 AAPG Foundation Grants-in-Aid