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ABSTRACT: Revitalized Tithonian-Cretaceous Petroleum System (!) Offshore Campeche, Mexico

ROMERO I., MARIA A., JOSE RUIZ M., LUIS MEDRANO M., JUAN DURAN G., ROBERTO ROJAS R., ISMAEL GUTIERREZ M., and OLFER BALTAZAR CH. , Pemex Exploracion y Produccion, Region Marina Noreste, Campeche, Mexico

Independently on the advanced stage of exploration of this Petroleum System, in reality in Mexico the most important one because of its reserves and oil production, underwent revitalization in 1999 upon the discovery of a new producing play in the Upper Miocene sands. Also, a new oil and gas field in the autochthonous block of the mature Cantarell Oil Field got incorporated, as well as, there are some new hydrocarbon prospectives in the Pliocene and Pleistocene rocks. The great hydrocarbon volumes produced and still to be discovered in this System were expelled by shale-calcareous rocks, rich in Type II organic matter, which were deposited during the Tithonian on a clastic carbonated platform. The most important play is made up of Upper Cretaceous calcareous breccia whose traps basically correspond to anticline structures associated with Miocene-Late Pliocene overthrusting. The hydrocarbon expulsion ages fluctuate between 9 and 0 m.y., which compared to the age of the last structural stage (11-3.4 m.y.) suggest favorable timing. In the southern portion of the area, the traps are located within the hydrocarbon expulsion zones, whereas, in the north source rocks are immature on the crests of producing structures, and are charged by laterally located kitchens within their respective drainage areas.


AAPG Search and Discovery Article #90908©2000 GCAGS, Houston, Texas