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Kenneth F. Wantland1
(1) Wantland & Associates, Tulsa, OK

Abstract: Personal career strategies for the new global marketplace

Individuals need to match organizations in the drive for flexibility. No matter what the organizational structure of future corporations may be, individuals need the ability to anticipate the changing needs of the industry.

Corporations may continue to grow in size and dwindle in number, or the focus may shift to large projects executed through the coordinated effort of many small companies. In any event professionals must be secure in their technical expertise. Each individual must manage his/her career as an independent, self-employed expert adaptable to any situation. At the same time they need not be alone. As the ties between employer and employee weaken, individuals will discover new ways to partner and band together to promote career self-management. Professional associations can fill the void in career planning left by collapsing corporate cultures with new programs.

Individuals can and will band together by age. The cultural bonds that define a generation, whether they are "baby boomers' or "generation x-ers" are very strong. Common culture, the language of science, mathematics and creativity coupled with electronic communication will create the potential for a more informed, powerful and homogeneous worldwide workforce than we might expect.

Professionals will band together to increase their knowledge-based power, to counterbalance the power of corporate politics, and to bring about the consequences they intend. We can expect a variety of scenarios to be played out as people experiment with new and different ways to achieve long-term career goals in the midst of change.

AAPG Search and Discovery Article #90914©2000 AAPG Annual Convention, New Orleans, Louisiana