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Blair W. Mattison1, R. W. King1, D. Parry1, J. Knight1, B. Slevinsky2
(1) Petro-Canada, Calgary, AB
(2) Petro-CanadA, Calgary, AB

Abstract: Geology and reservoir modeling of Petro-Canada's MacKay River Project, Athabasca oil sands area, northeastern Alberta, Canada

Petro-Canada has recently applied to regulatory authorities for approval of a commercial steam assisted gravity drainage (SAGD) based oil sands project northwest of Fort McMurray, Alberta. The MacKay River lease is flanked by two very significant oil sands projects, Syncrude Canada's North Mine to the east, and the in-situ Dover Project (formerly known as the AOSTRA Underground Test Facility) to the west. The primary reservoir for all of these projects is the Lower Cretaceous McMurray Formation, which at the MacKay River site sits at approximately 100 to 150 meters TVD. The MacKay River site is expected to produce approximately 22,000 bbl/d of bitumen for at least 25 years. Reservoir conditions are typically better than those needed to meet the strict requirements for efficient SAGD operation, with up to 34 m of clean effective pay, an average of 33% porosity, and 85% bitumen saturation. Permeabilities within the cleanest part of the reservoir typically exceed 1-2 Darcies.

SAGD wells will be drilled from pads, normally with 6 well pairs per pad. 3-D reservoir modeling has assisted planning for both pad placement and SAGD wellbore trajectories. Deterministic and geostatistical 3-D reservoir models were also developed in order to improve reservoir simulation efforts and to build production profiles. Confidence in the validity of the 3-D models was improved by both 2-D seismic and a dense network of wells.

AAPG Search and Discovery Article #90914©2000 AAPG Annual Convention, New Orleans, Louisiana