Mid Continent Geological Inc., Fort Worth, Texas
Abstract: Exploration for Canyon Reefs Utilizing Subsurface Geology and 3-D Seismic, Jones and Taylor Counties, Texas
A detailed subsurface geological study of the Canyon Series across Jones and Taylor Counties, Texas, has led to multiple wildcat discoveries across Taylor County. Structural top of the Canyon carbonate map shows productive Canyon Reef tops are found generally between 2000 feet down to 2600 feet subsea. Subsurface maps and electric log characteristics of the Canyon Series along the subsea trend display an abrupt shelf edge below which these Canyon Reef build-ups are located. Due to the complex structural nature and lack of Canyon penetrations, the use of 3-D seismic data was utilized to locate and evaluate the Canyon Series along this prospective trend.
A total of 65 square miles of 3-D seismic data was acquired in two continuous projects. As many as 75 different Canyon reefs have been identified with the use of 3D seismic. To date, 33 locations have been drilled completing 23 as Canyon Reef producers for a 70 percent success ratio. The identified prospects all have subsea tops between 2200 feet to 2600 feet subsea and occur approximately within a two mile window down dip from the Canyon shelf edge. Because of the multipay area six drilled Canyon locations have yielded secondary payzone discoveries primarily due to drape over the Canyon Series.
AAPG Search and Discovery Article #90918©1999 AAPG Southwest Section Meeting, Abilene, Texas