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MOORE, BRUCE R., Dept of Geology, Univ. of KY, Lexington, KY; and PETER R. MOORE, Geo-Flite Pty Ltd, Melbourne, Australia

Abstract: Low Altitude Airborne Multispectral Microfracture Analysis in the Control of Oil and Gas Production, Coalbed Methane and Site Location of Directional Drilling

Detection of high resolution microfracture or rock jointing is achieved by the generation and advanced computer analysis of low altitude airborne multispectral image data to plot joint patterns through soil and vegetation cover and determine high density targets. The microfracture and joint systems have been shown to control the migration of fluids and gases in the rocks and their location is vital to establishing economic primary and secondary production. The same data enables the efficient dewatering of coalbed methane prior to production and the successful location of directional drilling to intersect maximum fracture porosity, both in exploration and also development drilling. The method is unique in the world and has been very successful in exploration in the USA, Canada and Australia. 

AAPG Search and Discovery Article #90926©1999 AAPG Eastern Section Meeting, Indianapolis, Indiana