Information from the 1994 Gas Research Institute/Illinois Basin Consortium report on the gas potential of the New Albany Shale (Devonian and Mississippian) in the Illinois Basin is now available in an entirely digital format. The text, figures, tables, and references from the out-of-print original report are available in an Adobe Acrobat file. Records of the wells (>5,000) used to produce this report are available in a Microsoft Access database which includes UTM X, UTM Y, well permit number information (identification number), New Albany Shale top (elevation), and New Albany Shale thickness. Map plates (scale of compilation: 1:1,000,000), originally in AutoCAD format, are now available as GIS coverages. The GIS coverages include the following layers: (1) elevation of the top of the New Albany Shale; (2) thickness of the New Albany Shale; (3) average initial potential (IP) for the New Albany Shale gas fields; (4) mean random vitrinite reflectance (o) for the New Albany Shale; and (5) locations of cores of the New Albany Shale. Stratigraphic cross sections illustrating the distribution of the New Albany Shale members in the three-state area are included as a TIF raster image.
Digital data for nonconfidential New Albany wells obtained from 1991 through 1997 are also included in the new compilation. Data for New Albany Shale cores obtained from 1991 through 1997 are included in a GIS database. A list of New Albany Shale articles published since 1991 is included as an Acrobat PDF file. The complete electronic files/coverages with metadata are available on CD-ROMs from the Illinois State Geological Survey, Indiana Geological Survey, Kentucky Geological Survey, and Gas Research Institute.
AAPG Search and Discovery Article #90926©1999 AAPG Eastern Section Meeting, Indianapolis, Indiana