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Abstract: Computer Modeling and Visualization- Port of Los Angeles Underground Geographic Information System

DEAN, C. B., Fugro West, Ventura, CA; andT. W. McNEILAN, Fugro West, Ventura, CA

The Port of Los Angeles is currently in construction of its 2020 plan expansion. Forecasts have predicted that the port must be able to handle at least 2.5 times it's current cargo volume by the year 2020. Fupro was contracted to conduct various geotechnical and environmental studies to characterize the subsurface, aid in the design of foundations, calculate dredge volumes, evaluate slope stability, evaluate ground improvement options, and estimate liquefaction potential. Those tasks were greatly facilitated by the development of the Underground Geographic Information System (UGIS). The UGIS, running on the ARC/INFO and ARCVIEW platforms, is a relational database for storing, retrieving, querying, and displaying data. The inherent nature of the UGIS is that tabular data can be accessed from the spatial data such as points on a map, and vice versa the spatial distribution of the data can be viewed by Previous HitselectingNext Hit records in a table. Using the relational properties of the UGIS, we developed several customized programs for plotting soil Previous HitparametersTop, creating automated cross sections, calculating liquefaction potential, and estimating dredge volumes. Because of the large volume of data gathered during the various geotechnical studies, the UGIS was an important tool for quickly and easily analyzing thousands of data points. Also, the database was easily expanded to include new data as it was collected during the various phases of design and construction.

AAPG Search and Discovery Article #90935©1998 AAPG Pacific Section Meeting, Ventura, California