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Abstract: Determination of Reservoir Compartmentalization Using Mesoscopic Scale Fracture Analysis in the Buena Vista Hills Area of the Southern San Joaquin Basin, California


We present a new methodology for fracture detection and test the methodology in an area over the Buena Vista Hills oil field. The analysis uses diverse data types in an integrated approach and begins with a linear geomorphic feature interpretation. This step uses high resolution airborne multispectral and radar data, including AVIRIS, ATLAS, and AIRSAR. A series of mesoscopic scale maps of the linears interpreted from each data set are incorporated into a GIS. The mapped linear structural elements are then grouped geologically (i.e., faults, fractures, geomorphic lineament) using a classification hierarchy that relies upon outcrop scale mapping and analysis of aerial photography. Significant structures, in terms of "basement" influence, are further delineated using potential field data and typically bound regions of distinct fracture networks. Within these regions, areas of potentially dense fractures are predicted by modeling local stress variations caused by the bounding structures. The predicted areas of dense fractures are checked against the linear features interpretation and where a close correspondence occurs, the areas are considered highly permeable zones. Finally, wellsite and production trend data from the Buena Vista Hills are used to test the predicted increase in reservoir fracture permeability. The approach appears to have value for defining potential in the Buena Vista Hills reservoir. Using this integrated approach is a relatively inexpensive way to provide an initial interpretation of the natural fracture trends and potential compartmentalization within the tight reservoirs of the southern San Joaquin Basin.

Search and Discovery Article #90945©1997 AAPG Pacific Section Meeting, Bakersfield, California