Abstract: Advanced Coring and Well-site Handling Add Pizazz to B. V. Hills Core!
This paper describes the implementation of high technology coring equipment and advanced core handling techniques at Chevron/D.O.E. well 653Z-26B at Buena Vista Field. Integration of coring and well-site innovations suitable for obtaining unaltered, representative siliceous shale core was our primary focus. The ultimate goal was to recover 1000 ft of Antelope Shale core for reservoir characterization and ultimately, impact increased oil recovery.
Preliminary preparation for the coring process was very much a team effort. Collaboration of effort came from a variety of companies with general discussion and review of all facets of the coring program.
Well-site equipment and procedures discussed in this paper include low invasion core head and catcher systems, static and dynamic filtrate invasion, core extraction catwalk extension, core barrel laydown pulley splint system, basic mud properties, displacement of fiberglass inner barrel annular space with inert gas, temperature and safe core transportation requirements.
Ultimately, after combining innovative technology and experience and most importantly a team atmosphere, we have proven this approach to be the recipe for coring success and Pizazz!
Search and Discovery Article #90945©1997 AAPG Pacific Section Meeting, Bakersfield, California