Abstracts: Continuous Permeability and Porosity Determinations in the Chevron 653-26B Well, Buena Vista Field, Kern County, CA
Permeability and porosity measurements in the thinly laminated siliceous shale reservoirs of California generally require a heavy investment in time and materials due to the tight nature of the rocks. Samples must be drilled, fluids extracted and the samples carefully dried before physical measurements can be made. This process can easily take a month or more to complete.
The development of new technologies and equipment allow continuous real time measurement of Klinkenberg permeability values through the use of a Pressure Decay Profile Permeameter (PDPK) and compressional and shear wave values through the application of a Porosity Sonic Profile (PSP) integrated system.
As part of a DOE Class 111 reservoir study, PDPK measurements were made every one half inch on over 900 feet of conventional core material recovered from the Chevron U.S.A Inc. 653-26B well in the Buena Vista Field. PSP measurements were made every half inch over a 60 foot interval. The data set represents a 24 fold increase in data points compared to plug analysis performed on a one per foot basis at a fraction of the cost. The data can be calibrated with plug data measured at stress. In addition, PSP compressional and shear wave data can be used to calculate Poisson's Ratio and Young's Modulus data for mechanical rock properties information as well as being applied to the calibration of downhole sonic tools.
Search and Discovery Article #90945©1997 AAPG Pacific Section Meeting, Bakersfield, California